Like last night, the Absol began to limp toward the cave entrance.

Once it made its way out the cave, it turned into a seemingly random direction.

The Absol had only one thing on its mind.

"I h-have to watch out...i-it's becoming daytime." the Absol said to itself.

"...morning..." Blake suddenly said, as he leaned against a tree close to the cave entrance.

The Absol's eyes widened with fear, and it stopped moving instantly, when it heard Blake.

"...nice sunrise...isn't it..." Blake commented, as he looked at the Absol.

No response came from the Absol.

"...tell me...what are you doing out so close to daytime..." Blake then asked the Absol.

"I h-have to go s-somewhere." The Absol answered nervously.

Blake raised an eyebrow.

" that won't make it 500 pawsteps...where ever you need to be, I'm sure it can wait..." Blake said.

"no! i-it can't wait. I have to get there urgently." The Absol said.

"...whatever it's not worth pushing yourself for it..." Blake said.

"yes it is. You just don't understand." The Absol then said.

" about you make me understand..." Blake then said.

"n-n-no! I'm going now." The Absol said, and began to pad away.

It was clear to both Blake and the Absol, that his injuries were too bad.

The Absol was limping a lot, and the more he pushed himself, the slower he padded.

Eventually, the Absol fell down to the floor, unable to carry his own weight.

Blake stopped leaning on the tree, and padded toward the collapsed Absol.

"...listen...I know what this is about...I saw you leave the cave this night, and I also saw you first, I thought you would go call for get us captured...but you didn' left, because you sensed a disaster..." Blake said to the Absol.

The Absol stayed silent.

" I correct...did you leave this night, because you had to warn mons about a disaster..." Blake then asked.

After a while, the Absol answered "yes."

"...and right're again going to warn mons about another disaster, right..." Blake asked.

"yes..." the Absol answered.

"'s what I'm going to do...I'm going to get some supplies from the cave, and use them to patch your it..." Blake said.

The Absol didn't answer.

Blake then padded away to get some supplies.

The Absol began to crawl away...or try to.

Soon, Blake came back, and saw the Absol.

He placed some berries in front of the Absol.

"'ll give you strength..." Blake said.

The Absol hesitatingly began to eat the sitruss berries Blake gave him.

Blake waited for the Absol to finish eating.

Once the Absol was done eating, Blake asked something.

" name's Blake...what's yours..." Blake asked.

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