Chapter 8

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Hello kind people. There is a reference hidden somewhere in this chapter, from a game. You'll know when you come across it. If you're the first one to comment what the reference is from and who says it, you get a shout out in the next chapter. Good luck!

Anshuls POV




After a long peaceful slumber, I awoke in the guest bedroom.

My body was limp.

It took some time to get my body under control again.

I moved a paw to my forehead.

"uughhg, what happened?" I asked out loud.

"I'm in bed?"

"how did I get here?"


"ugghh, I must have blacked out"

"but, how am I in bed then?"

"I can't remember."

I tried to remember what I was doing before I blacked out.



After some time, the only thing I could remember was that I was operating clyde on his terrible wounds.





"CLYDE!" I yelled out loud.

I tried to get up out of the bed.

But, I ended up on the floor.

"gahh, my paws are still asleep!" I stated.

"grrr, why now!!"


I finally got control over my paws again.

Getting up, I made my way to the door.

Opening it, I was now in the hallway of my den.

Taking a left to enter the medical room.


I stumbled against the door when I raised my paw to the door knob.

The door opened because of it.

Effectively tumbling into the room by accident.

"aarrgg." I yelled out in frustration.

When I tried to raise my head, I heard some giggles from the room I just tumbled into.

Now really confused. I raised my head, curious to who the giggle belonged to.

There, I saw amber and mira near clyde's still unconscious body.

"ehhh?" I said in a confused tone.

"sleep well?" amber asked, in a normal tone.

"a-are y-y-you o-okay?" mira asked in a shy tone.


"umm, how did you two get here?" I asked, totally confused.

"what?" amber said, in confusion.


"I'm really confused, can somemon explain me what happened when I blacked out?" I asked them.

"umm, well you let us into your den, you were all confused and funny walking." Amber said.

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