Chapter 2

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??? POV

One hour later

I was starting to steer awake.

My left side was hurting a lot.

I didn't want to move.

I noticed that I was laying on some leaves.

my paws were sore.

"what happened?" I questioned myself

I tried to look up, but couldn't.

My head was pounding.

I tried to remember what happened before I lost consciousness.

I remembered being chased by a giant beedril, did I die?

My question was answered when I opened my eyes.

My vision was blurry, but I could make out an orange blur somewhat near me.

After some time, I remembered why I was running.

I then froze from fear.

I saw a flareon before, I got scared and ran into the giant beedril.

My vision got slightly better over time.

Then I could make out the shape of the orange blur.

It appeared to be a flareon, maybe the one from earlier?.

I started to look around the place both of us were.

It appeared to be a small cave, a fire was lit somewhat near the middle of the cave.

Two apples were beside me in pawing distance.

I looked at the flareon again, it appeared rather weakened by the state it was in.

It was sitting down near the entrance of the cave, its back was towards me, it appeared to be deep in thought.

It had a bag made of leaves, it hung diagonally from its left shoulder to its right side.

I was too scared to ask what it was going to do with me.

I raised my head towards the apples beside me.

I noticed one of the flareon's ears twitch, I immediately lowered my head in fear when it did.

"you have awoken." the flareon said; it appeared to be a male by the voice he had.

"you're probably confused about the situation." he spoke; I was still too scared to look up at him.

"don't worry, I took care of your wounds while you were unconscious." he stated; I looked at the left side of my body, it was wrapped in big leaves, it hurt a little but I managed to stand it.

"you lost a lot of blood." he said; still looking outside the cave, his back still to me.

"you should eat, it'll help you recover from the amount of blood you've lost." He advised; not moving from his spot.

I turned towards the apples again, pawing one closer.

I began to eat it cautiously, wanting to be sure that the flareon didn't try something while I was eating.

He continued to look outside.

After I finished the first apple, I looked at the flareon for a second, his right shoulder appeared to be wounded.

I waited for the flareon to do something, but he didn't.

I pawed the second apple closer and began eating it as well.

Shatter Me (flareon x glaceon)Where stories live. Discover now