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So this is the end?.. I guess it's time to leave this world behind.. Honestly this should have happened long ago.. But I was somehow? Alive.. Actually, I wouldn't count this exactly. As alive. But my soul. Should have crossed over. Long ago, Since I was no more, & That was still a decade ago. But I wasn't expecting that out of all the ways to go down. I'd go out like this.. This isn't the way I thought, nor intended to go out. But I guess, It's how things are just meant to be. But I just would have wanted to- Sister! A voice shouted out, As I looked to see where it was coming from. right beside me.. At my side. As the flames pierced through, Closer.  The voice, It was my Brother. Noah.. He was hurled right beside me. Sister? he seemed worried, Don't tell me you've given up.. Yeah, Come on! He spoke with persistence. What? 

That's not the sister! I know! You never give up! You always at least try! What's gotten into you?  People change brother. 

But- what? Atleast try! Do it for me! He said desperately. Fine.. But only for you.. & That's because.. I love you! Thank you! He said excitedly. Love you too sister. I got up onto my feet, & Looked around for a way out of the Burning. The flames were closing into now! I could literally feel the heat piercing my skin. We were running out time! The flames were so strong we couldnt leave the room, Speading more & more rapidly. Then I spotted the window cell. But it was jamned shut.. It was our only chance! Though! I smashed the window open, I got my brother out, First! then prepared to jump, the Flames were only an Inch a away from me now. I jumped out the window! with haste. I landed right onto the soft grass beside my brother! But I was atleast! Severely damaged! & So was my Brother! I mean just jumped out a window! & the whole fire thing.. In all. However, I was unconscious from the fall. I remember waking up. Someplace new.. It was.

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