Giving Up on Ladybug

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Adrien's POV:

Ladybug and I just finished off another akuma, and I'm running towards the school, praying that class hasn't already restarted.

When I reach the classroom, I burst in, startling the class.

"Oh hi, guys. I, um, I was just hiding from the akuma. In the um, TOILETS! I was in the bathroom."

Mme. Bustier smiles softly, "Okay, Adrien. You can take your seat."

I do as she says.

I've barely been sitting two minutes when Marinette bursts in, much like I had. She blurts out some phony excuse, much like I had... Awfully suspicious.

It's almost as if she— RIIIIIIIIIIIING! There goes the bell.

I realize I haven't been paying any attention to the class. I'll have to get Nino's notes later.

I see him in front of the school and I'm about to tap him and ask for his notes when I see Alya shoving Marinette towards me.

Girls are so strange sometimes.

"Hey, Alya. Hey, Marinette. What's up?" I say to the odd couple.

"Oh, heyyyy, Adriennnnn." Alya says in a really weird voice, while nudging Marinette with her elbow.

I look at Marinette and she says, "Hi, Honey Cheeks. Uh, I mean, Adrien!"

"Um, ok. If you guys don't need anything, I have something to ask Nino."

Alya raises her eyebrows. "Well, Marinette, was there anything you had to ask Adrien?"

"Oh! Um, I, I don't know! No?" She stammers.

"Okay, then! Catch you guys later!"

"Later." Alya says, frowning.

I walk off towards Nino and grab him by the shoulders. "Hey, dude!" He says to me.

"Hey. I was wondering... can I copy your notes from class today? I wasn't paying attention." I laugh lightly.

He shakes his head at me lightheartedly. "Sure, bro." He says and starts digging through his bag.


The Next Day

I'm just getting out of the car to get to school when I hear crashing and car alarms ringing.

It must be an akuma. I quickly tell Gorilla, "Bye!" He just nods at me and drives away.

I turn, run into the school, and take a quick survey of my options before deciding to transform in the locker room.

I push the doors open and make sure the place is empty. Then I head to one of the stalls and yell, "Plagg, claws out!"

I rush out of the stall to go help my lady.

Once I'm out of the school, I head towards  the Eiffel because I can see bits of a giant black and green monster.

As I approach my destination, I see Ladybug fighting Gamer!

At this point, I suppose he must be Gamer 3.0. Anyway, I rush over to LB and I can see on her face that she already has an inkling of a plan.

"Hey, Bugaboo." I say out of habit.

She gives me a glance, throwing daggers my way, and says with gritted teeth, "Don't. Call me Bugaboo."

I'm a little hurt, but this is just how it is with us. It's playful banter. Right?

I shrug it off and say, "So, M'lady," At this she growls and rolls her eyes, "What's the plan?"

She proceeds to tell me the plan, and all goes accordingly, so it's another win for the unstoppable duo; Ladybug and Chat Noir.

I head back to the school and spend the day thinking, and not paying attention. I should really work on that.

Flirting with Ladybug is beginning to feel like a routine, or a job.

She definitely doesn't have feelings for me, and if she does, she has a really strange way of showing it.

Maybe I should, just give up? Maybe we're really not meant for each other...

Who else could there possibly be for me? She's the only girl I've ever thought of that way.

I look around the room and I don't see anyone I think I could love the way I love Ladybug. I love them all, but... they're just friends.

I sigh, maybe a little too loudly.

"What's wrong, bro?" Nino asks me, concerned.

Stay Happy (Chat Noir/Adrien X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora