Falcon's Girl #3

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Sonny's nerves were frazzled. Between having to help with the new Avengers recruits, and the fact the her cousin was coming home with random cuts and bruises, more often than not lately. Not to mention that her and Sam's relationship was starting to crack, due to their differences on the accords. She really wanted one good thing happen during all of this. Just one. That's all she asks for.


Listening to the Avengers argue over the accords had gotten so bad, Sonny told them that they were behaving like a bunch of spoiled snot-nosed cunts, before ditching the meeting to head over to her aunt's home for a little bit. In which she was currently ranting to her aunt and cousin about the issuses she was having.

"No one listens! NO ONE!" Sonny huffed as she paced in the living room.

"Maybe they're still tense from Lagos?" Her aunt asked, chopping up some carrots.

"Maybe. I just wish they would take one damn minute to listen."

"Why wouldn't they agree on it?" Her cousin asked.

Sonny snorted.

"What about General Ross breathing down your necks? Could that be it?"

"I don't know, Peter."

"Oh! What about the thing that happened to Sokovia? Could be apart of it."

"I don't know. I wasn't there, Peter. Disappeared, remember?" Sonny grumbled, feeling more irritated by the minute.

"Right. Sorry."

"Hey, what about...."






Anger coursed through Sonny veins, like a fire through a dry forrest. Her breathing like that of an irritated bull.

"Sonny!" Peter screeched.


"The couch!"

She was getting ready to retort, when she saw the building flame on the left couch arm.


Raising her hand, Sonny shot a blast of ice to extinguish the flames.

"Great. Just great! Now the couch is both burnt, and frozen! Can this day just get any worse?! 'Cause I know it can!"

"Sonny...." Her aunt cautioned.

"Because if it's not about the thing in Lagos, it's about the accords."


"If it's not those, then it's about what happened in Sokovia. Which just so happens to be what the accords are partially about."


Hearing her first name instead of what she usually hears, froze Sonny mid rant.

"Sweetheart, you need to slow down, and breathe for a moment. All this running around can't be good for you."

"I can't just sit down, aunt May. If I sit down, I won't get anything done."


Not much had changed since Sonny had stormed out of the accords meeting. Which was still going when one of the people at the info desk came rushing into the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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