1x01 (Part 1)

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[ Location: Sky Box ]

Clarke (thoughts): I feel the sun on my face. I see trees all around me, scent of wildflowers on a breeze. It's so beautiful. In this moment, I'm not stranded in space. It's been 97 years since a nuclear apocalypse killed everyone on Earth, leaving the planet simmering in radiation. Fortunately, there were survivors. 12 nations had operational space stations at the time of the bombs. There is now only The Ark, one station forged from the many. We're told the Earth needs another 100 years to become survivable again. 4 more space-locked generations, and man can go home, back to the ground. The ground, that's the dream. This is reality.

The sky group pulled a face, how on earth (lol) were they watching this. Raven wasn't impressed. Dispite being the last group alive, Raven, Octavia and the rest still had some unspoken feelings towards the past. They had all gotten over it eventually, but bringing it up was going to do no favours thats for sure.

Raven: "first off how can we see this and secondly, why are we watching this of all things!?"

Octavia: "With all the mistakes we all made, all of us not just Clarke, it's probably showing us what not to do in our next life."  *sigh*

Clarke was hiding. It was embarassing enough that they saw her cell, plastered with drawings of what earth could have been but the speach. Ugh.

Guard: Prisoner 319, face the wall.

Clarke (thoughts): Reality sucks.

"umm yeah, no kidding" Jasper snapped

Clarke: What is this?

Guard: Quiet. Hold out your right arm.

Clarke: No. No. It's not my time. I don't turn 18 for another month.

The Grounders looked on confused. Lexa just looked dissapointed. Clarke had told her about the Laws that The Ark used.

Guard: Hold out your arm.

Clarke (thoughts): On The Ark, every crime, no matter how small, is punishable by death - unless you're under 18.

Everyone who didn't know previously, all gasped and some called out to Abby, Marcus and Jaha. "What the hell" "every crime?!" and so one. The adults just looked down in shame.

Guard: Your watch.

Clarke: No. It was my father's.

Guard: Take it off.

Clarke: No.

Guard: Hey!

Clarke: No.

Clarke (thoughts): Juvenile offenders get put here -- lockup. We call it the Sky Box.

Anya spoke up.

"Like Isolation?"

"For me, Yep" Clarke replied.

Guard: Prisoner 319.

Abigail Griffin (Clarke's Mother): Clarke, stop. Wait here.

Clarke: Mom? Mom, what's going on? What is this?

Guard (to another prisoner): Come on. Let's go.

Clarke: They're killing us all, aren't they, reducing population to make more time for the rest of you?

the 100 reacts to clarke's choicesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin