[1] The Ballad of (y/n)

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Takes place in Imperial China, during a dynasty. Will have no relevance to JJK or actual history.

There are no cursed spirits so Sukuna and Mahito are normal humans, but there IS MAGIC.

This story will get very graphic and touch on sensitive subjects as genocide, rape, murder, incest, and abuse. Please be warned this story is meant for a 17+ audience.

Reader POV

I was 16 when I left home, forced to take my father's place in the emperor's imperial army to fight for our way of life.

My father had forbade me from leaving but I did not care.

In the pouring rain I arrived at the military corps, seeing the commander.

"Name?" He asked, not sparing me a glance as I had dressed in my deceased brother's clothes and cut my hair to my shoulders.


"Ling...?" He looked up, suddenly alert. "What's your first name?"

"Ling Jianyu."

People in the tent froze, staring at me with shock.

Suddenly a man started crying, going to my feet.

"The elders were right! You didn't die protecting the emperor but kidnapped by the Zenins!"

The commander took off his helmet, eyes brimming with emotion. "It is an honor to see the man who saved all our lives long ago."

"Commander Shui," I bowed as my brother had told me through his letters and drawings everything there was to know.

"You are alive and you have not aged," Commander Shui said. "But you look...somewhat different. I can't place it."

"Well he's always had more feminine features," the man who was crying at my feet said as he rose. "You know, we'd always tease him about it."

"I suppose."

And things went on.

Our Emperor Gojo Katsume himself came to see me as my brother had protected him and his son Gojo Satoru.

"I shall like to meet your father," the Emperor has said. "You spoke often of your sister. My son is a few years older than her and it would be the deepest honor if the sister of China's greatest hero be wed to my son."

"I am sure my sister will accept," I said even though I knew for sure I didn't want to marry anyone.

However that night, the Zenins attacked.

I was eternally grateful that Jianyu had taught me how to wield weapons as I was able to protect my comrades that I had grown close to as well as the Emperor.

We managed to escort the Gojo royal family back to their imperial palace, but at the cost of me.

The Zenins had captured me and I was brought to their side of the Great Wall.

Zenin Naobito had taken me, hearing rumors that Ling Jianyu had survived.

And it was all because of my lie to save my father that the empire fell, Emperor Gojo Katsume killed.

I was forced to reveal my identity as no one but Ling Jianyu's little foolish sister, Ling (y/n).

Of course, the first coarse of action was execution.

However the heirs to the Zenin empire had other plans and because of these other plans, the war stopped.

In exchange for my freedom, thousands of lives were spared.

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