Chapter 6-Moving out.

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I grab my bags and walk out my door, as I see Quackity reading a book. I walk up to him and speak. "Hello Quackity." I greet him. "Oh- hey Karl?.. What are you doing?.." He asked sadly. "I'm moving out.." I spoke.

"W-what? Karl please say you'll wait for me! I'll grow up someday you'll see!" He begged. "Saving all my kisses just for you!" He continued as I answer him back. "Quackity, Duckie please don't cry!.. You'll forget me by and by!.. you're 19 and I'm 21, and Quackity I just can't wait for you.." I sob.

"Karlos please! I love you! Please wait for me!.." he begged me to stay as his eyes were filled with tears. My heart burned seeing Quackity like this. I loved him dearly. But I had to let him go. I walk up to my bus and let a few tears drop. I turn around and wave to Quackity.

"I love you.." he murmured. I got onto the bus and got on my seat. I looked out the window as I see Sapnap running up to Quackity to hugging him.

I finally let him go.

𝐖𝐚𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐞... Karlnapity AngstDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora