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She nervously looked around the trees surrounding her on her way to school. It wasn't that far away from her house. She was still thinking about what had happened yesterday. Why was she scared of stumbling upon them on her way? I mean, she wasn't intimidated by them, was she? She tried to shake these thoughts off with a sigh, only to be interrupted by some weird-looking kids.

"Um, excuse us, ma'am!" one of them wearing an odd skeleton outfit spoke to her joyfully. "Have you seen a guy with purple skin and black hair around here?" 

"Wait, what the hell?" She lifted an eyebrow. She was more than sure that the thing he was talking about wasn't human. "Sorry. I haven't seen them. But what's up with the costumes, though?"

"You didn't know? It's spooky month!" Both of them said while doing a little dance.

"Wait, it's not even Halloween yet!" She was visibly confused as to what the hell was going on with those kids. Before she could say something else, they ran away giggling.

Well, that was strange.

Once the kids ran away, she was left deeply curious. A man with purple skin, huh. What type of people did they intera-

"Hey, you know those losers?" That familiar voice cut her thoughts off in a hitch. But, of course, they had to be there. She already knew who it was, but those thoughts were confirmed by her turning around and looking at them.

"You guys, again. Dammit, leave me alone. I don't know them or why they're-" And before she knew it, Roy got all close and personal in her face.

"You're lying, aren't you?" He spoke with a mischievous tone, "I think liars deserve to get punished, don't you think?"

"No, I'm not lying, Roy. Why would I lie about knowing some random kids that just walked up to me? Plus, I know you're not going to do anything to me other than yell. You're all bark, no bite." So she said as she tried to get him off her, but that didn't work out well.

"Do you want me to bite?" Again, he said, this time with a more mischievous tone. That caught her off guard for a second. What was that supposed to mean? It's not that she didn't want to respond. She didn't know how to respond.

"Well, uh, I think your friends in the back are getting too distracted with that dog over there..." When Roy looked behind him, he realized she was right. But she took this opportunity to run away, of course. She couldn't be late on her second day of school.

But she had to forget about the notebook. That precious, beloved notebook of hers that she always drew in. Too bad he took it. Even worse, she had the chance to confront him about it, but she only remembered seconds after she had run away.

Whatever, she could get a new one anyway. She thought about everything that could happen if she raised her voice to Roy again. Perhaps another red wrist from just asking to get it back. Her wrist wasn't even able to move correctly without her wincing in pain. But, hey, at least she now knew that she shouldn't judge a book by its cover in some circumstances. That fucker did have strength even if he didn't look like he did. 

She was not going to underestimate him again.

Bitter Lovers | Roy x Reader (Spooky month)Where stories live. Discover now