Chapter 6

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What just happened "is it just me or did (y/n) have a prosthetice arm" the pheasant was the first one to speak "you seen that to and not to mention the scars on her body" the dog chimed in some more guards come and took the inmates away since we don't have to worry about them I took off to find (y/n) as I run around looking for her I bummped into Youriki, Kokoriki, and Rokuriki looking shocked "what happened and did you guys see (y/n)" Rokuriki answered me "we saw her with a prosthetice arm I think evetyone did" looking around to see everyone shocked "I think she in the break room she was heading that way at least" Kokoriki pointed the last place he saw her walk to as I started running to the break room the only thought in my mind was 'is this why she didn't show her arm because she said that her scars didn't bother her' as I mind it to the braek room I heard something
I was sitting on the couch my hand covered my mouth as hot tears ran down my face I didn't know waht to do I don't know what people are going to say I heard a loud bang as I looked at the door I saw Samon standing there I immediately stood up "S-Samon what are you doing here" as he walked towards me and pull me in a hug I felt his tears he was crying "Samon are yo-" I was cut off "why didn't you tell me" he hug me tighter "I didn't know what you would say or if you will see me definitely or" Samon push way his hands on my shoulders he was looking at me directly in the eyes "why would I see you definitely (y/n) just because you have a prosthetice I would never" his eyes was red and puffy from him crying "Samon I... i'm sorry I didn't tell you I just didn't know how to" I started to cry even more as he brought me in for another hug we stood there hugging for what felt like forever and I didn't care i'm just glad he was here with me we heard more people come in "(Y/N)" I haerd Kiji yell as we looked at him he ran up to me a put me in the tightest hug I have ever been in "are you ok what happened to you" he was now holding me by the shoulders "will" I was cut off again "(Y/N)" Kokoriki and Rokuriki took me from Kiji and was hug me so I couldn't breve "guys I can't breve" they stopped hug me as Youriki came in I looked at he as he walked over to me and pull me in a hug "this is a first" he looked me dead in the eyes "what happened" the Warren and Mitsuru walk in and stood by the door "I see everyone knows about your prosthetices" I gave the warren a dead eye glare "wait prosthetices YOU HAVE MORE THAN ONE" Samon shouted "well yes I have two" looking at everyone "wait where the other one" Kokoriki questioned "so my right arm and leg are prosthetices my arm it just from my elbow and down and my leg it my whole leg" I was looking down avoididing any eye contact "what happened that made you lose you arm and leg" Youriki asked I sat on the couch "well what happened is a bit hard to explain if I don't tell you about my old job" everyone was quiet for me to tell what happened to me "I used to work as a capture that being said I used to capture dangerous animals.... animals that humans wasn't supposed to see that would kill.... people" I saw everyone faces looked shocked exact the wardens "all the animals was mutants like the one that took my lilies it was a mutants lizard people mistaking it for a sea monster it was hughes I can't remrmber how big it was it was so long ago" I looked at them everyone was frozen as they try to imaging how big it was "it wa going to eat my friend Rose *if you name is Rose you can change it* so I kicked her out of the way... and the lizard bit off my leg" looking at them I could see the sadness in there eyes "and we use this needle" I pull got the neelde from my pocket "it was the same one I used on inmate number 15 it a sleepy needle we use it to get the animals to sleep so we can catch them easily for a humans it well take him three days to wake up trust me one of my old teammates found that out the hard way" Samon looked confused "how did he fund out" I smile "bcause I stuck him with it he was gettinig on my nerves" looking at them I continue with the story "I couldn't get it in the lizard skin becase of the skills so I puted the needle in it's mouth... and be for it passed out it bit off my arm the next thing I saw was a hospital with my teammates around me I amid it was stupid but what do you expect from a 17 year old" all I haerd was "WHAT" everyone yell at me "you was 17 how old are you now" Hajime asked "i'm 20" I was laughing nervously "how old were you when you started that job" Kiji had worried in his voice "16" everyone was shocked as to what I just told them about my pass "why would you work there in the first place" the warren asked "well you see the people that work there feels like they have not one that would care about them and for me it was because my mom died when I was 16 and I never met my father and well people didn't really like me so I thought on one would care if I lived or died so I join the team and I was pretty stupid I mean I was the only one that would willingly jump in front of the animal for fun or to get it in the cage that why I have so many scars on my body I mean I told Samon that I lost count at 20 I have more then I could count but my fearless behavior is why I was put in charge of the team" no one knew what to say I just smile "it doesn't bother me anymore it happened in the past I work here now so I won't rest my life anymore" I walked to the door and stood there "because I have people here that I love and care about and I know that they care about me as well" and with that I walked out and heded back to the apartment with a smile on my face it felt nice telling them what happened and to see much they care as I was walking I felt a arm wrapped around my shulder I looked to see Samon on my left with Youriki and Rokuriki and Kokoriki on my right all I could do was smile yeah this is my family now building 5 is my family and I wouldn't change that for the world I love these guys

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