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It was dark in Aine's vision and it was hauntingly quiet with nothing but the faint howling of the wind, blowing the fog towards her, bringing her deeper into the darkness. At every path she took, it only lead to another, and another, and then it was a dead end. There were glimpses of the remaining daylight shining down, but even the light was blurred that she couldn't tell whether she was dreaming or that this was all real.

With every blink of the eye, she would travel between being at the pitch and being stuck at the claustrophobic maze, she felt like she was being torn apart and her mind was starting to hurt. Just as she was looking deeper, she heard a muffled hiss and she immediately flinches at the sound, it was so quiet like a snake whispering into her ears. Aine whips around, being back at the Quidditch Pitch, she felt a hand snake up to her shoulders and she lets out a faltered gasp, "Oh, what the hell— Draco... Hey."

Draco furrowed at the sight of her startled figure, her lips going pale and dry, her mind was aching so much that she was freaking out. Yet, she tries to compose herself, knowing that if she burst out into a fit of panic, everyone would call her crazy. Perhaps she was becoming crazy after all, but with the rising feeling of unease, she was certain that something bad was going to happen. 

"What's wrong? You're scaring me, Aine," he said, pulling her closer as she held onto the wall behind them. 

She shook her head as she mutters repeatedly, "I don't know... I don't know... I don't know what's happening to me..." She blinks around, everything was hazy.

Swallowing heaps of air and inhaling and exhaling so quickly that she was getting dizzy. She staggers and Draco caught her arm, his anxiety spiking off the roofs, "Talk to me, what happened?" he asks softly and she closes her eyes, trying to decipher the pictures in her mind. 

"I had a vision... The maze, it's dark... It's cold, it's quiet, but there's this whisper—" she trails off, shutting her eyes tightly, easing the dizziness only to find that she could see and hear those images and voices more properly now.

The image of the maze was gone, replaced by a familiar graveyard with tombs scattered across the uneven ground. Crows were cawing as they flew around, settling on the grave with their beady eyes gazing directly at Aine's. Right ahead by the biggest tomb was a big cauldron and the statue on the tomb caught Aine's attention when she moved towards it. A winged Angel of Death stood next to the headstone and in one hand was a scythe, she trails her fingers on the wordings on the tomb. It reads,

Thomas Riddle
1880 - 1943

Mary Riddle
1883 - 1943

Tom Riddle
1905 - 1943

But it wasn't just that, as she turned, a crouching figure appeared from the dark carrying a rather abnormal-looking being and when she met the eye of it, Aine was back. She closes her eyes and took a moment to process everything she just saw, heaving shakily as she trembles. There was no doubt that she just met him, and he saw her. Though she has never met him before besides his 'other' form, it was just a gut feeling that she knew him. That the frail being was the Dark Lord that was feared by many. She tugged onto Draco's jacket, her trembling fingers clutching tightly on the fabric and her face ashen, setting him in alarm, she gasped again and this time she heard the voices of her friends ringing in her skull. 

"Cedric! We have to get back to the cup now!"

"Get behind me, Harry!"

She grabs her head, her mind being ripped apart as the voices were practically screaming in her ears, driving her over the edge and making her insane as to why she was hearing it. Her breathing was ragged and when she saw the cowering figure, her breath hitches, Pettigrew.

UNTOLD | D.M (UNRAVEL BOOK 3)Where stories live. Discover now