"Oh honey, you know I am a firm believer in the fact that everything works out better when it's not planned. It'll work itself out...is that my dress?"

Marlene looked down at what she was wearing then back up at the painting, "Yeah, dad found it thought I might want to wear it."

"It looks better on you. Get going, you'll be fine." 

. . . . . . . 

Marlene was standing up against the wall waiting when she saw Aiden walking up the stairs with a Slytherin girl, "Oh come on, who would want to go to the ball with a Black and a werewolves child, who knows she might even be one." Aiden said as he and his date stood in front of her

"Should've figured that one out. I don't know what you think you know but you're wrong. And just so you know I said yes out of pity." Marlene said as she turned around and walked back towards the common room

She was stopped in the hallway by Harry, "Where are you going the ball's that way."

"I know. My date...well fake date, he only asked me so he could stand me up because of what he thinks I am. Probably a good thing I mean I look ridiculous." Marlene said

Harry shook his head as the pair sat down on the stairs, "One, you look amazing. Two, you can come with me I don't think Parvati actually wants to be my date."

Marlene smiled and said, "You're amazing Harry Potter anyone tell you that?"

"Not recently." Harry said

"Well you are. I would say yes but I think if you stood Parvati up for me she would hex me into oblivion so...probably safer if I don't. You should go aren't you doing the first dance Mr Champion?" Marlene asked

Harry rolled his eyes and said, "Don't remind me."

Marlene stood up and said, "Remember put your hand on her waist. You got this Potter." She then started to walk away

"Sure you'll be okay?" Harry called after her

Marlene turned around, nodded and said, "I always am. Hand on waist."

Harry stood up and walked the opposite way, just as he got to the door he saw Zac outside, "Hey man have you seen Marlene? I saw Aiden and-"

Harry cut Zac off saying, "He only asked her to stand her up. She's gone back to the Common room."

Zac shook his head and said, "I'll kill him...she wouldn't have gone to the common room too many people there."

"Then where?" Harry asked

Zac thought about it for a second before saying, "She's gone to see her mum."

He then began to walk off, Harry looked confused, "Wait what?"

. . . . . . . . .

Marlene walked towards the painting, "Can we talk?" The door immediately opened, Marlene walked in and opened the wooden door that led into the tower room.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you but honey...why are you here you should be at the ball."

Marlene sat down on the chair in the corner of the room, looked at the painting and said, "My date was a dick. You know I knew that it would be hard this year but...can I ask you something?"


Marlene stood up and walked over to the painting, "Dorcas. She was your friend before you dated her. How did you tell her? How did you tell her that you liked her without the possibility of ruining what you already had?"

"You take a chance."

Marlene turned around and saw Zac standing behind them, "Hey McKinnon can I have the room."

"Break her heart I'll break yours."

Zac pulled a look and said, "You're a painting."

"What are you doing here? You should be at the dance." Marlene said

Zac nodded, "So should you. I saw Aiden, refrained myself from killing the git. So that's a win."

"How long were you there?" Marlene asked

Zac sat down and said, "Long enough...I don't have a date because the person I wanted to ask was already taken. If your brain hasn't caught up yet, I wanted to ask you but not...not as friends."

"I said yes to Aiden because I heard you asked some Beauxbatons girl." Marlene said

Zac gave her a look and said, "Without telling you? I don't think so."

"We can't do this Zac." Marlene said

"Why not?" Zac asked

Marlene sighed and said, "Because...because when I look at you. I feel it...I look at you and I'm home, everything bad in the world just disappears. I don't want that to go away."

"Neither do I but how will we know if we don't try?" Zac asked

Marlene paused before she looked at Zac and said, "Do you want to go-"

Zac cut Marlene off, "That is not how we're doing this." He stood up, stood in front of Marlene and held his hand out, "Would you Marlene Lupin...Black, McKinnon so many damn names. Like to go to the dance with me and see where it goes."

Marlene smiled as she took his hand, "I'd love to."

. . . . . . .

Marlene and Zac walked out of the tower as they were walking down, Marlene turned her head and saw Painting Marlene give her a thumbs up, "How did you know? That I would be in there?"

"Doesn't matter how old you are, when something's gone wrong the only person you want to talk to is your mum." Zac said

Thank you for reading 

I do like this one 

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