Nan Feng tilts his head, finally ripping his gaze off of the other as he eyed the darkening sky. "Heaven is as ruthless as the two realms. The Heavenly Officials are brutal and vicious the time where he ascended." His eyes dimmed like he remembered a displeasing memory. "They tormented and treated him like he didn't deserve to be a God, let alone a Martial God that actually has a regional domain." He crosses his arms over his chest as his tone turned icy, contrasting to how warm it had alwasy been. "It reached to an extent the tormenting turned into a physical abuse then it led to an unexplained death."

Mu Qing slowly nods. "I'm honestly having a hard time trying to believe your words. Isn't he a Martial God? How could he let himself be bullied and pestered? He's a literal celestial being, he should be able to defend himself with ease especially because he was in Upper Court." He scoffs, wrinkling his nose as he inclined his head, earrings dangling on each side of his face. "How did it even end up that?"

Nan Feng could only laugh weakly. "Your highness, he had lived his life struggling in mud. Living off scraps and barely little food until he was acquainted as a servant of the crowned prince. Even in his life in the royal palace, he was bullied all day long. He had recieved the same treatment in both realms. In the realm of where he expected their unwelcoming approach and in the realm where he less expected it to be cruel." He finally lowers his gaze back to the prince. Expression unreadable as his lips formed into a small, faint smile. "He managed to live as a God for three years, building a good amount of worshippers in not only his domain but also in the other regional territories with over seven thousand temples dedicated to his palace."

"He had that much of followers. How come no one can even remember his name or title?" Mu Qing tilts his head in confusion. "I really find that hard to believe." He says, not adding the part where he read that the servant was only said as a servant, no hints of him being a God since he had only read two scrolls about it.

"The Emperor and General Nan Yang forbid any mortals and even ghosts about speaking of this General. If one even do as much as to write his name in a scroll, they'll immediately be reported to the red Calamity who will then inform his husband." He shrugged as if he didn't just say that a Heavenly Ruler and a General literally threatened to annihilate people. "So they passed it only through words. But as centuries passed, so did his existence."

Mu Qing makes confused yet surprised sound. "How do you even know all of this?" Then he paused, remembering the early answer to that. "It can't just be for entertainment."

Nan Feng arches a brow teasingly. "Your highness, not all people just wants to lay in bed all day." He smirks.

"What the fuck. Why the fuck are you still on that?!" Mu Qing hisses, throwing the latter an exasperated glare. He rolled his eyes again, sighing. "So was the assumption of that servant becoming General Nan Yang's secret significant other just an assumption?" He questions mindlessly instead before the latter would fuel his annoyance even more.

Nan Feng's face turns blank. Blinking at the silverette with incomprehensible eyes as the prince shifts uncomfortably at the sudden change of face. "No. Not an assumption." He replies after a good amount of time, tone just as empty as his expression.

"Oh - I see." Mu Qing clears his throat as heavy air settles around them. He wonders what he could have said to abruptly make things awkward. Nan Feng was completely at ease and even teasing him earlier. Was it about the secret relationship? Was Mu Qing not meant to know about it? He did after all, read an incredibly decrepit scroll regarding of the matter, just before he had learned that the ruler of the South and the ruler of the Heavenly Realm restricted anyone from ever writing about the nameless servant. He shifted in his spot again, pulling his legs up to his chest and hugging his knees as he frowns.

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