Malfoy manor hideout

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This game was intense, the Irish and the Bulgarian played very well, both of them. Viktor Krum played for the Bulgarians and I hoped so much that they will win but the Irish won the world cup instead.

The audience returned to their tent's, I was wondering if we had one as well.
I followed my father, Draco and Lucius to the forest near by. "Put this on." Lucius said and handed me a skull mask and a robe.

"Why should I?" I asked, "Do it for your own good." My father said strictly, so I did. This is frightening, what are we about to do? I heard leafes cracking behind us and turned around to see more people wearing the same thing.

We lined up, Draco pulled me next to him. We walked soldier likely to the camping field filled with all tent's, the front row of the masked people were holding big torches.
The next sudden move they did, was throwing them onto the tents, they started to burn down one after another. That was when the terror began...

People screaming, shouting for help, everyone was trying to run away. It was so damn chaotic, lost children, alone they were. It was terrible, what on earth are we doing?!

I slit back and tried to leave, I'm not doing it. Minutes passed, most of the people were gone now, until I spotted someone familiar.

I run up to help him, "Harry!" I shouted. I put the mask aside so he could see my face, he spotted me but fainted right after.
"What are you doing?" Someone grabbed me by my wrist and held me back.

I don't think I know this someone, he was a grown man with a beard, he pulled out his wand and pointed it to the sky.
"Morsmordre!" He said.

A white cloud was forming a skull in the dark sky, "What did you do?!" I demanded for answers, "Shh! You woke up the scarhead!" He replied.

Scarhead? I heard Arthur Weasley calling for Harry, the man pulled me along with him, I refused and kicked him. "Ouch! We have to leave immediately, the ministry will lock us up!" He explained.

He dragged me to a curios place, it was a big mansion, the garden was huge as well. We entered the mansion and someone rather unexpected welcomed me. "Y/n, my pleasure, Narcissa Malfoy." a young woman said, she had white stripes in her hair. I assume she was the mother of Draco.

"The boys will return soon, I'm happy you're ok." she said as we walk upstairs.
"While waiting, are you hungry? Do you want something to drink?" She asked worried,
"I'm alright, thank you ma'am." I said nervously.

She is really sweet just like I had imagined her to be. She brought me into this room, a king sized bed in the middle, she left me alone in here. There's a shelf on the left with school books, Hogwarts books. It has to be Draco's room.

No pictures of him though, nothing personalized in this room. Kind of sad- only the smell is special. It smells like Dior savauge and vanilla, the bitter scent of green apples as well.

Loud knocking wakes me out of my thoughts, the knocking came from downstairs. I hope it's father, Lucius and Draco. I didn't dare to peek, I just waited awkwardly in the room and waited for my father to get here.

The door slowly opens, Draco was standing in the doorframe, shocked to see me sitting on his bed. He wasn't wearing the robe and mask anymore, he was in his suit now again.

His surprised face changed into an angry one, "What in Merlin's beard!" He said.
"We thought you didn't make it!" He said louder now.

Make what? It out alive? Why wouldn't I?
I stood up from the bed and made my way out of his room without a word, no way I let him continue shouting at me.

I took quiet steps on the staircase, slowly walking down. I heard discussing coming from the room next to the staircase.
"I will do it, but what if Dumbledore won't allow him to participate?" The man said who conjured the darkmark, he was sitting by the table in the room, Narcissa, Lucius and others as well.

I wonder what this is about, today was too much for me. First the sneaking around trying to suprise Draco, secondly the attacks after the game. Then Harry, I hope he's alright, the death mark in the sky... Death-

Of course! It couldn't be more obvious could it? I'm surrounded by death eaters, that makes sense. Scary, I've been living my whole life with one of the lord's follower. Now I have other worries, what is their plan? Is Harry in danger? Who and what participate?

I don't remember what time it was, I don't remember that I fell asleep on the stairs either.
Shacking woke me up, I slightly open my eyes to see who's carrying me, blond hair hanging down. The scent of Dior Savauge just tells me it has to be Draco, so I close my eyes back again.

He gently put me on his bed, I heard him sigh loudly, then he walked out and closed the door. I was to exhausted, it must be in the middle of the night, so I just let myself fall back asleep.

next day

I was half awake on the bed when I heard the door squeek, one of the houseelves entered. "Dobby is sorry to disturb Mrs Snape, Dobby was asked to call you." It said shacking.

It waited in the room for me to get up, I'm not exactly a morning person. It took me some time to stretch and finally get out of bed, I was still wearing the dress that I wore yesterday. "Dobby can you get me something casual to wear?" I pointed out my dress and he ran downstairs.

Draco came in the room seconds later, he walked to his drawer without looking at me, he pulled out his joggers and jumper and threw them at me.
Before he left the room he said "Sorry I shouted at you yesterday." and disappeared.

I was stll sleepy and forgot I wasn't home, it must be Saturday, two days before school starts again.
My fourth year at Hogwarts, technically my third because I wasn't a pupil for my second year.

I was walking out of the room, after I changed into the clothing, houseelves running around downstairs in the kitchen. I feel disgusted to be with death eaters but I have to play dumb, so when it's time, I can stop the evil plans, firstly I have to find out the plan before it's too late.

I don't know where I was supposed to be right now, I went almost through every corridor and room in this big mansion.
One left, the room filled with death eaters during a discussion yesterday.

I knock on the door and somebody opened it for me, inside was everyone I saw yesterday, they were having breakfast. Houseelves hecticly trying to find me a seat, they gently took my hand and showed me where to sit.

I didn't touch any of the food that was placed on the table, I wasn't hungry but I couldn't risk suspections, so I was willing to eat at least something small.
It was so awkward not a single soul was talking nor paying attention to others.

The table was filled with food, so were the plates from all 6 death eaters, I hoped Draco wasn't one of them. He wouldn't hurt someone would he?

I finished eating, took a sip from the glass of water and stood up to leave. Someone hit me with a cone in the stomach from all of the sudden, "You wait until everyone has finished, it's impolite, hasn't your father taught you that?" Lucius said.

I pushed the cone of his away and it accidentally hit him slightly in the face but that didn't distract me from the fact he was saying, especially that to me.
"If that's impolite how about hitting a guest? And don't pull my father in this!" I spatted and walked away, anyway.

I quickly ran up to Draco's room and changed into my clothing, I'm leaving this place right now. I remember the way back to London, it takes two hours to get there.

Severus Snape's Daughter  / Draco x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now