bonus part 1

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Yunho and San were so happy his bestfriend finally found someone to love! they were so excited they threw a surprise party in their apartment.

"Dude did you invite joongs friends and Jongho alreadyy" said San impatient. They just started earlier but somehow is already impatient.

"DUDE I ALREADY DID THEY'RE HERE" said Yunho about to open the door.

"Heyyy" said the three. Finally they're all here and started decorating the room! oh how excited they were for this.


Few hours later and they were finally done, now they're waiting for the couple to arrive.

"no because what if they dont like it v~v" said San worried. "Shh its okay don't worry, since it's made by us ofc they'll like it" said Wooyoung calming him.



"Like literally what if they don't accept us.." said Seonghwa. "No no ofc they will.. I hope, honestly if they don't im gonna kick their asses. said Hongjoong cheering him up.

*door opens*

"SURPRISEEEEEEEEEEEE" the rest shouted

"WHAT IN TH- oh.. THIS IS FOR US?" said Hongjoong, shook with all this. "Of course it is, who else would this be for?" said Yeosang.

They all gave the couple their wishes and gifts, this was somehow like a birthday party..

Few hours later they decided to play a game, this was called 'confession' where they choose a members name and tell them something they've been hiding. "So who wants to go first~ " said Seonghwa really excited.

"How about we make Wooyoung do it?" Seonghwa nodded and gave Wooyoung the bowl.

"I got uhm S-san.." Yeosang was holding back his laughter, what no one knew about was Wooyoung has been crushing on San for a while.

"So what is it Wooyoung?" said San. "U-uhm so I uhm I.." he then came up closer to him and whispered

"So I've been liking you for a long while now, I know we don't know eachother that much so dont dall me a creep pls.."

San was surprised but took Wooyoung to the extra room, I wonder what's gonna happen in there..


"So anyway how about we make two people go this time?" suggested Yunho. Seonghwa nodded and pushed the bowl over to Jongho and Yeosang but surprisingly they both got eachothers names.

"I'm not sure what I need to share.." said Jongho trying to skip his turn. "So Jongho, was all the 'Oh hes so cute' 'Why cant I just take him for myself' 'hes so gorgeous I'd do anything for him' fake?" said Yunho grinning.

Yeosang just sat there with his eyes wide open. "Well guess who just got a boyfriend, ME!!!!!" said Yeosang tackling Jongho.

"Ayo what about me.." said Yunho kind of feeling alone. "Well there is this someone for you..

Is this fate? || seongjoongTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon