
Start from the beginning

I shook my head at Yoongi's silly behavior, knowing that I was being just a little bit overprotective, but in my situation, you can never be too careful. I watched from the windows as Yoongi held her small hand, leading her down through the pathways to the palace's hidden gardens. When Y/n was still a toddler, I had a secret garden made just for her so that if the two of us ever needed someplace private to go where no one would ever find us, that would be the place.


"Uncle Yoongs, I can't hit the target!" Y/n whined as she pouted, solemnly staring at the arrow that had landed straight up in the green grass instead of stuck to the archery's target board.

Yoongi chuckled. "It's okay, princess. It just takes practice. Come on, let's try again," he encouraged.

He helped the little princess load another arrow into the bow, watching as her shaking arms pulled back; tongue stuck out, so focused solely on succeeding. Yoongi then watched her draw the arrow back, only to send it flying way past the target, and pierce straight through a stray burlap bag of sand that was sitting on a wagon at the entrance of the gardens about half a mile away.

'Aish, this kid,' he thought to himself. 'You are SO Namjoon's mate.'

But Y/n instead smiled, revealing her half-grown in pearly whites, accompanied by two mischievous dimples. "Look, Uncle Yoongs, I did it!"

However, Yoongi rubbed his temples in frustration before softly laughing at the strong-headed child. "Kid, you completely missed the target! You hit that bag of sand!"

"But I still hit something!" Little Y/n countered, "And look, it's spilling! I got this! I'm a pro!"

Yoongi smiled, trying not to destroy the little pride you had. "Sure, princess, you did great. Don't worry, I won't tell your father. This'll be our little secret. Let's try again, for the closer target this time, yeah?"

"Okay!" You chirped happily, not really minding that you didn't hit the intended target. In your determined mind, you hit something, which was better than nothing.

As Yoongi proceeded to help you load another arrow into the heavy bow, something else caught your eye that was by far more fascinating. It was a butterfly! A beautiful, bright, yellow monarch butterfly. You didn't care about archery anymore; the only thing on your mind now was getting that butterfly. You instantly dropped the bow, chasing after the butterfly around the confines of the lawn.

When Yoongi realized what was happening, he broke into a sprint, chasing after you to try and stop you before you reached the edges of the palace grounds. "Princess, come back here!"

Y/n simply giggled in return, trying to catch the sneaky creature that was attempting to evade her. But being taller than her with longer legs, Yoongi quickly caught up to her, scooping her up into his arms as he usually found himself having to do.

"There you are!"

"Aww, but Uncle Yoongs, I wanted to catch the butterfly!" Y/n pouted, beginning to grow teary-eyed. Namjoon really didn't allow her to go outside the palace very often, much less by herself, so this outing was not only rare, but a big deal for the curious little princess.

"Aw, don't give me that face, little one," Yoongi warns, "you know that you aren't supposed to go any further than the palace grounds."

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