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it was pitch black out. not a soul in sight other than us as we rode along dusty roads in the early hours of the morning. 

we finally arrived at the same shack he'd taken me to before.

i raised an eyebrow at him after taking the helmet off, "cozy. your favourite place i presume" 

he rolled his eyes, "there's more than one room in the place."

we walked in once again, untouched since we'd last been in here with a little bit of powdery residue still sitting on the table. he lit a few hanging candles in the corners of the room which greatly illuminated the place. 

"so there is" i mumble to myself looking at a door in the far left corner against the left wall.

we continued into the room and upon opening the door i was faced with an even cleaner state, a wooden bed with mattress and blankets- even a bedside table sat in the small room, a massive window from the floor to the roof facing the bushes and the beach on the right and a box of what seemed to be spare clothes and things on the left. 

"wow.." i blurted out. he pulled a sleeping bag from the box set it down next to the bed in the narrow space between the bed frame and the window. 

"i'll sleep on the floor, you sleep on the bed. don't wake me up in the morning unless it's something actually worth waking up for" 

"i don't need your bed, floor's good" i said looking at his wondering eyes. he was staring out at the view. 


i furrowed my brow a little, he still wasn't looking at me. "i never really get over this view yknow" he sighed sitting on the bed.

i sunk down next to him, "so this is where you always go when wheezie asks if i've seen you." 

"she still asks?" he turns to me, "yeah she does, i keep forgetting she still has my num-"

my phone buzzes. i look at the time, 1:30am.

"right on time" i breathe picking up the phone to answer, "hey wheez" 

rafe's eyes light up a little and his lips slightly part. i stare into his eyes as wheezie ask's where her brother is. 

"tell her i'm uh... staying at yours and to not tell ward." rafe whispers. 

"yeah rafe's just fallen asleep, he's staying at mine but i don't think he wants your dad knowing, that okay?" 

"thank god" the youngest cameron says cheerfully, "that's good. very good. thanks rory, i'm gonna go to bed now, cya" 

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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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