ooh-woo (i'm a rebel just for kicks)

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In the aftermath of the intense U.A. entrance exam, a week unfolded like a slow-motion montage for [Name]. Each passing day felt like an eternity, a relentless wait for the letter that would either usher them in joy or deliver crushing disappointment.

The mailman unwittingly became a regular visitor to [Name]'s daily routine, as they anxiously monitored the door for any sign of the coveted acceptance letter.

[Name] couldn't shake the thought that they might have landed on a peculiar post office watchlist due to their frequent, eager interactions with the mail carriers.

Ding dong.

The familiar sound rang through the air, and [Name] practically lunged at the door. Snatching the mail from the delivery person, excitement surged through them.

"Thank you! Bye!" Before the mailman could respond, the door was swiftly shut. [Name] rushed to their room, closing the door with a resounding bang. They winced at the noise, a reflexive reaction ingrained deep within them as they apologized to the door -a habit so deeply ingrained that it extended even to inanimate objects, like the poles they walked into.

They scrambled to their desk, hands trembling with a mix of anticipation and anxiety, as they tore open the envelope. However, instead of finding a traditional letter, a small, disk-like device tumbled out, making a clattering sound as it landed on their desk.

A confused noise escaped [Name]'s lips as they activated the device, and a hologram flickered to life. A disheveled-looking male figure appeared, his shaggy hair and black bodysuit exuding an unmistakable emo vibe. Dark bags under his eyes hinted at a lack of sleep.

"....hello, [Name] [Last Name]," the holographic figure droned, sounding as if he were recording the message under gunpoint. "You have passed the written exam with an 85%, and the practical exam with 85 points, 56 battle points, and 29 hero points. You have placed 1st and are in Class 1-A." The monotony of his tone suggested a lack of enthusiasm. "Done."

"Come on, Shouta! Show more spirit!" A male voice echoed from behind the camera.

Shouta groaned, "Welcome to your academia, [Last Name] [Name]. Plus Ultra." He waved his fist lazily in the air, as if reluctantly participating in some party.

"Good enough!" The screen turned black. [Name] blinked repeatedly, unable to believe what they just witnessed. Until it finally sank in.

"Hell yeah!!!" Bursting with joy, they yelled, jumping up and down in sheer happiness.

"Oi! Keep it down, brat!" A voice yelled in irritation, the disgruntled complaint coming from [Name]'s next-door neighbor.

In the apartment complex, [Name] lived a life marked by the constant absence of their parents, who were often away on work trips.

"Whoops! Sorry, Konizaka-san!" [Name] replied back sheepishly, trying not to let the grumbling from the other side of the wall ruin the happiness of the day.

[Name] was determined not to let Konizaka spoil the joy of what was one of the happiest days they'd had in a long time.

After watching the acceptance video a week ago, [Name] was excited to start their first day at U.A. The school had quickly sent their uniform as soon as they received the acceptance disk.

Wanting to make sure they felt comfortable, [Name] emailed Principal Nezu about their preferred uniform. This made them feel confident as they headed into their first day of classes decked out in their uniform.

Principal Nezu happily agreed to [Name]'s request, making sure they felt comfortable at school. He assured them that there was a gender-neutral bathroom available on each floor and explained different uniform options for students to choose from.

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