drabble 14:Billi..

360 28 11

"Hey.. Hey..Rishu... Wait..Wait.."Said ashi who came running towards rishu holding a cute little pussycat in her hand..

"What happened ashi?? And what is this??"Asked rishu scrunching his nose..

"Rishu see na I found her yesterday near our colony she was lying there alone.. No one was ready to take her.."said ashi patting the lil cat..

"So what do you want me to do now??" Asked rishu knowing what is going to come...

"I would have kept her with me but you know my mumma na.. So please please rishu keep her with you.."Said ashi making a puppy face..

"But you know I am allergic to cats.." Said rishu...

"No problem.. I've the solution for it.." She took out medicines and handed over to him.. "Take this eat them daily and problem solved.. Ok.."

She handed  the cat to him and left from there...

Few hours later..

"Why is signal not coming??" Ashi asked herself and went to terrace holding her mobile...

"Hey!! Rishu.. Why are you standing out??" Asked ashi seeing him standing out..

"As soon as I entered home with that cat my dad told me clearly.. Either he would provide shelter to me Or that cat.. And mom really liked that cat alot.."Said rishu making a wired face..

"Then??" Asked ashi curiously..

"Then what I'm standing here on the street.." Rishu replied angrily

"Hahaha.." Laughed ashi rolling on the floor..

The next drabble ends.. Dedicated to all AkRc bonds and fans..

THE LIFE OF DAMNFAM- DRABBLE SERIESWhere stories live. Discover now