He paused for another moment, "If it's any constellation, my childhood was short lived. Right before I had started at Hogwarts, my parents... they just weren't the same. They became more strict with me, less codling- cold even. Especially my father, I swear somedays he truly despises me." It was easy to see that Draco had never opened up about his life, not much at least. Although his story was not severe or life threatening like mine I had been, I still felt for him. Nobody should have to feel like they don't have anyone that cares for them.

"Do you know why they became that way? There must be a reason." I inquired.

Another long pause filled the conversation, "No, I don't." He spoke, looking down at his fingers- tapping his rings on the table.

"Well, that's there loss, Draco. I think you're... great, actually. And there's so many people that probably think so too at school." I reached out, placing my hand on his to stop the tapping and simultaneously soothe him.

After dinner, we took a walk around the grounds of the castle and talked about many sorts of things. I talked about my love for singing and found out he could play the piano, very well too according to him. It was odd, I felt so safe with him, so at peace. It was unexpected but I enjoyed it a lot. Once the sun began to go down, we headed back inside.

Walking down the halls, our hands brushed against each other- sparks flying with each graze. I had thought about finished off the night strong and grabbing his, showing that I was starting to care for him quite a bit. However, this was interrupted by Hermione and Ginny running towards my direction after they had caught sight of me. I quickly pulled my hand up, Draco mimicking this motion.

"Indira! I've been looking for you everywhere!" Mione gasped for breath, glancing up at Draco quickly but returning her focus to me.

"You found me. What's going on?" I nervously laughed.

"I don't have time to explain. You just need to come with us to the courtyard!" Mione was frantic, causing worry to rise within myself.

I looked up at Draco, not wanting to say goodbye.

"Oh, he can come too! I don't care! We just need to go!" She grabbed onto my sweater, pulling me behind her. I looked back at Draco, who was only a step behind me.

Once we got to the courtyard, we met up with Hermiones friends; Harry and Ron I think. It seemed like every student in the castle had joined in the area, trying to get a good look at something.

"What the bloody hell is he doing here?" Ron spoke up, referring to Draco.

"Shut it, Ronald! Listen!" Hermione insisted, pointing to a few adults that stood yards away from us.

In the courtyard was Dumbledore, McGonagall, a professor who I think is named Trelawney, and an older lady wearing all pink. From what I could hear from the muted conversation, the lady was expelling Trelawney from teaching at Hogwarts. This caused McGonagall to step in, as well as Dumbledor, soothing Trelawney whom was now hysterical.

"What a bitch." Ginny quietly spoke.

I looked at her, confused, "Who even is she? I've never seen her around here."

"That's Umbridge. She works for the Ministry of Magic. She's been trying to take control of the place all week." Harry said, not taking his eyes off the scene that was being made.

"She's a vile woman. Trelawney has done nothing wrong." Mione joined in.

I had nothing to contribute to the gossip, having only been here for a few days. Though, I trusted what they all said, a weird fury instantly building inside me. I looked up at Draco to see his reaction to all of this, but he was gone. He had completely disappeared.

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