welcome to W.I.C.K.E.D.

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Packing my bags was easy, because like my mom had said before, WICKED would provide everything. My mom still packed a couple of things. I was fine with not bringing anything, because nothing was really valuable to me, except for the bracelet Newt gave me. I was totally bringing my bracelet no matter what anyone said. I also had my mind on other things. Like where Newt was. What happened to his parents. I just wish I can stop thinking about him because every time I do, it just brings so much pain to me.

We're leaving very soon. I'm almost exited to, anything to get me out of this place is great. It just reminds me of him. All the memories- seriously, I have got to stop thinking about him!

Finally! We're leaving! Gosh that felt like forever! My mom and I get in our car that is half damaged. A couple of Cranks thought it looked delicious and took some bites. Gross. WICKED will take our car when we get there because we won't have anymore use for it. We're never going to escape that place.

WICKED. I'm here. This is my new home. My mother and I walk towards the entrance. A guard with a funny green suit nods at us. I can't help but laugh at his funny protection. "You look like a stupid bug." I say. My mom quickly leads me through the doors by pushing gently on my back with her hand. A short lady with dark hair welcomed us as we entered the facility. "Dr. Paige." She says. "Ms. McVoy." My mother replies. Ms. McVoy turns to me. "And you must be Leah." "Yep." I say, popping the 'p' at the end. Ms. McVoy gave me a warm smile. "It'll be time to go to your very first meeting with Mr. Kravit soon, so I'll let you and Dr. Paige privately have your last goodbye together. Dr. Paige, I'll be waiting for you in my office." She turned and left. I didn't notice him before, but there was a man behind Ms. McVoy who had been standing there the whole time. He was probably in his 40s. He was short and had short black hair. I'm guessing it's Mr. Kravit. I turned to my mom ""Last goodbye?" What does she mean?" I ask, tears forming up in my eyes. "Yes, I should've talked to you about this sooner, but I didn't know how to break it to you. I'm sorry." My mom tried to pull me into a hug but I refused. I turn away from her. "No..." I say weakly. "Look...Leah, look at me." I turn back around. "What?" My mom sighs. "Things are going to be different. For starters, I'm not going to be called "mom". You have to address me as "Dr. Paige." "What?!" I yell. "Says who?! Who's--" "Shh. It's okay. It's going to be..." My mom- or should I say "Dr. Paige"- pauses. "You need to forget everything that happened before you came to WICKED. You'll be given a new name, a new-" "No." I interrupt. "Promise me you won't be hard on them?" My mom says. "Promise." I reply. I hug my mom. She hugs back. "Goodbye mom." I say, voice cracking because of crying. New tears form and fall onto my face. "Goodbye." She breaks the hug and stands up. Without looking back, she turns around and heads in the same direction Ms. McVoy went in. I wipe the tears off of my face. The man walks up to me. "Hi there, I'm Mr. Kravit." He smiles warmly. "Hi, I'm Le-" I pause. I turn around and start walking towards the exit. "Not going with you." "Hold up!" He says and starts walking after me very quickly, but the guards stop me. "Let me out of here!" I scream. "Listen-" Mr. Kravit starts. "I don't want to go! I'm going back home! I'm-" I feel myself being lifted off of the ground. "Hey!" I yell. I start fighting back, kicking and waving my arms everywhere. "Let me go! Stop! Let me-" My screams get cut off by someone injecting my arm. And it was all dark.
I didn't mind taking my new name. I did not want to be reminded of my past. But still. It was MY name. My parents named me that. But after my last goodbye with my mom, I didn't want to think of her. I have a headache from that stupid thing they injected in me. Sitting across from Mr. Kravit began to speak. "Are you ready to get your new name?" He said in a forced excited voice. "Yes. Go ahead. What is it?" "Annie." (Anne Frank) "Annie..." I whisper. "I'm satisfied." "Good" says Mr. Kravit. "Where did you get the idea for  my name anyways?" I ask. "Don't go on feeling so special. You're not the only who gets a new name. The other subjects- erm, I mean children- got one, too. Harriet, for Harriet Tubman. Jeff, for Thomas Jefferson. And Annie for Anne Frank. Do you know who those people are?" I scoff. "No. And I don't care either. How old do you think I am to be knowing all of that stuff?" Mr. Kravit ignores my comment. "They are people who changed the world. And so will you subjects-" "Why do you keep calling us subjects? We are humans, not lab rats!" I yell. "You don't know the famous Harriet Tubman but you know what lab rats are?" He asks. "Lab rats are interesting. My mom read a book about rats to me once and they mentioned them." Mr Kravit looked confused. "Why would your mom read you a book about rats? Anyways, we need to check a few medical things and then you're free to go."

A/N: sorry this is short! I felt so bad because it's been so long since the first chapter but I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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