Chapter Four ೃ⁀➷

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Taylor came flying through the portal, slamming into me. She tumbled on top of me, smacking our skulls together, making my brain rattle. We had landed in a wheat field in Kansas, the wheat gently blowing in the soft breeze.

"Owwww...." Taylor shifted off of me, looking down in delayed shock. A ripped half of a picture was in her hand, showing the girl that we had just left in California. An arm was around her shoulders, and I guessed it was Taylor's.

"It was her." I realized.

"That's why you couldn't come through the portal."

She tucked a loose strand of hair out of her face.

"She was scared. She wanted to make sure this was what I wanted."

Brushing a stray tear from her cheek, she said, "She was looking out for me."

I sat frozen in place. I realized I had never asked her if this was what she wanted. She helped me plan her escape, but she never actually said she wanted to go with me.

"Is this what you wanted?" She crawled over to me, pushing aside stalks of wheat. Cupping my face in her hands, she pressed our foreheads together.

"What do you think?"

I stayed quiet and focused on her face. Her expression was hard to read. I was afraid what the answer would be.

She pulled back.

"We both agreed we wouldn't be Romeo and Juliet. Romeo could have just ran away with Juliet. He tried,and failed, then..."

She shrugged.

"Juliet faked her death."

I looked down so I could see her face clearly.

"If you're planning on faking you death, please give me a heads up so I don't end up like Romeo."

She cracked a small smile.

"You wouldn't."

"You don't know that."

She shifted into a sitting position.

"You're crazy."

"You're just trying to tell me -."

"You get it, I get it."

I could almost feel her exasperated expression.

"Yes. Fine." She mumbled.

I grinned. She slipped her pack onto her shoulder.

"It's around 4:30 here. We should probably move before the sun sets."

She stood, offering a hand to help me up. I took it. We trudged through the wheat feild, looking for a forest anywhere nearby. After about two hours, Taylor was getting very exasperated at the map.

"There should be one just west of here."

Taylor sighed, her brow creased in confusion. She peered at the map more closely. We trekked on the side of the road, probably looking like runaways.

"Give it to me." I said for the thousandth time.

"I got it." Taylor replied, moving the map away from me.

"Taylor, give it to me."
"I'm gonna start calling you sunshine..."

She spun on her heel.

"You wouldn't."
"Would too."
"You wouldn't have the guts."

I sighed dramatically.

"Whatever you say, Sunshine."

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