~Night:12 am~

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I woke up to the sound of an alarm,no an alarm clock but a loud siren sound.I jolted awake,
making eye contact with one of the robots that take your party passes.

I got up and ran out of the place I was sleeping,what time was it? Where am I? How long was I out?

I soon realized I was in Monty golf,but how do I get out of here? I walked over a bridge to a light,it was a charging station for the animatronics. I sat down next to it.
"Great this is how I die...in a place for kids." I said,looking at my sweatpants I felt a tear roll down my face and land on my pants making that spot darker.One turned to two,2 turned to 3,I started full on crying.

"Hey kid!" A voice said,than there was a hand on my shoulder

"Monty..?" I said looking up to see the gator knelt in front of me

"The one and only! But why are you still here? Your family left hours ago." Monty gave me a concerned look

"I fell asleep I here and one of those stupid robots woke me up." I said pointing at one of the robots that had past.

"Well let's get you to the front!" Monty said helping me up
Monty and I headed to the entrance just to see it was closed off. "Great.." I mumbled,Monty looked at me,he could see my frustration.

"Well we could head to rockstar row! That's where my room is it's pretty safe!" Monty said giving me a smile.

"Sure!" I said looking up at him
Monty walked me down to rockstar row and into his room.His room was green,with fake vines hanging down.He had his own vanity,with a star shaped mirror,next to his vanity was his red bass guitar,there was an arcade game in the corner of the room,next to that was a couch.His room was messy,claw marks on the walls,stuff scattered everywhere,and a broken glass on the floor.

"Sorry I get angry..."Monty said sheepishly

"Hey it's ok! Everyone does!" I said looking at his. "Do you have a broom and dust pan anywhere in here?" I said looking at him

" No,but I could go get one." He said looking at me

"Could you go get it? Please." I asked

"Sure." Monty said with a smile

Monty left to go and find a broom. While he was gone I started cleaning up a little. I picked up a couple of stuffed animals and put them on the couch for the time being. I saw a green door that was kind of in the middle of the vanity and arcade game. 'How did I not see that?' I thought. I walked through the door to find a storage type of place,where I found some trash bags. I walked out to see Monty standing there with a broom in his hand.

"Why were you back there." He said,looking at me,I was a little scared but I mean I went into a part of his room he never mentioned.

"I was looking for trash bags." I said, showing him the box of trash bags, I mean I was kings of lying but it was also true so.

"Ok well I found a broom and dust pan." He said,a small smile showing

"Thank you!" I took the broom and dust pan and started sweeping up the glass.
Monty had sat down on the couch,while I finally finished cleaning. I walked over to guitar and looked at it, I touched one of the strings, I didn't hear Monty walk up to me.He grabbed my hand and pulled me away,my arm popped,not like it was broken,popped as in popping your knuckles.He used so much force that once he let me go I fell backwards,and I guess I left a peace of glass on the floor that I cut my hand.

"Ow-fuck!" I said,grabbing my hand.

*Monty's POV*
I grabbed Y/N's hand pulling them away from my guitar.I was fueled by rage that they would touch something without asking,I only came back to reality when I heard a pop,my heart dropped,I let their arm go.

"Ow-fuck!" I heard from behind me,I turned to see Y/N on the floor holding their hand tight.

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