1: Kenji

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Warning: foul words


"Yes sir, thank you" my eyes twitched as my math professor hung up. I furrowed my eyebrows and threw my phone out of frustration while cursing under my breath.

"Agh, i hate this. Why do we have a new project and in math at that". You may wonder why i hate math, well its because. Why the fuck are there letters in math?!

I know math is important, how those smart people managed to make these and all, but still. This is stressing me out everyday, i can barely even pass in it.

I walked towards the sofa where i threw my phone at. "I'm so sorry bb i was just so mad that i threw you, please forgive me". Dont judge me why im babying my phone like this, ofcourse i have to since i cant afford one more, i'd be dead if this one wont work anymore. I treat my things with specialty especially those damn expensive ones since i dont have anyone to give me an allowance and im lazy to do jobs that pays high.

Some of my friends asked me why can't i just ask my parents, well i was born an orphan, surprise (not really). An old couple adopted me when i was 7 but they died when i was a few months to becoming 18, since i was old enough to live alone they didn't have to put me for an adoption again (and im glad because i hate people except for the couple who adopted me, they're okay).

Enough of that, i hate too much cringy angst. I went to my room and read one of my favorite BL manhuas, yes im a boy but who cares? Im gay 😘.

As i was having the time of my life an idiot friend of mine called. "What do you want?!"

"Gee, stop being so grumpy all the time"

"No, now get to the point"

"Okay okay chill, you've got to read this novel, you'll be loving it trust me just this once"

"I still dont trust you but fine, what novel?"

"I sent it to your house it'll be there after a few minutes just wait".

"K, wha-" I... Did she just hang up on me?! That stupid bitch, she should atleast be grateful to be friends with a handsome man like me.

As i was about to continue my reading since someone took some of my precious time. My doorbell rang, seems like the novel the dumbass sent to me arrived.

I walked towards the door and opened it and to my surprise, this delivery man is quite handsome. Ahh i wish i can be with someone that looks like him.

"Is this Akatsuki Kenji?", The delivery man said, agh his voice is so hot. And yes you may ask, i am a bottom and im proud, atleast thats what i think i am, dunno since i havent been in a relationship.

Ah- i was spacing out sorry, "Yes it is me"

"Here is the package from miss Hirasawa Aira"

"Thank you mister hottie"

"Uhh thank you?" Haha he looks flustered and confused, guess he can become cute despite being hot.

I took the package and signed something {author: i dont know what its called cause i havent had a package delivered to me ever and im still a kid that just reached puberty ಥ‿ಥ}. I waved goodbye at the confused delivery man. Hehe i love teasing hot stuffs. Its understandable that they can be flustered, afterall im quite cute myself. And no im not being a narcissist im just stating facts 💅.

I walked to my room again, i hate walking if only i can just teleport that'll be a wish come true.

I started reading the novel and it was not worth it at all. Its just the same typical reverse harem where a commoner has light magic. Im gonna kill that asshole when i'll meet her . This is the most boring thing i have ever read in my life like what the heck, the writing is even bad that i barely even managed to understand the story.

As i put the book on my desk i looked at the time and it was already 11 pm. I was too caught up cursing the author of the novel by myself. I hate that girl, she always finds a way to make me mad.

I turned the switch off and slept.

✧*。~timeskip to the next day~ *.✧

Im walking down the stairs as i made sure my clothes were neat, Aira asked me if we could go out and buy one of her favorite comics. She said it was a bl r18 comic and ofcourse the obsessed with bl me wanted to try and read it since i didnt have anything to do to pass the time so i agreed.

I locked the door and went to the place where we were supposed to meet up. I looked at her flirting with another girl, and yes she's lesbian. That's one reason why we're friends anyways, since we're both not straight.

"Hey what the heck are you doing again?" I walked infront of the two girls and gave them a sweet close eyed smile.

"Oh hey Kenken, didnt see you there" She said with her stupid soft voice as she gave me an innocent face which irritated me as always.

"I just arrived and can you please stop flirting already and lets go" I grabbed her arm and forced her out of the cafe. She kept whining how she wanted to continue 'talking' to the girl she just met.

"Hey Ken ugh- Call me later baby girl!" I rolled my eyes as she shouted at the girl. She turned back to me with her eyebrows furrowed and a pout forming on her lips.

"Why did you have to do that, i could have had my chance to make that cute girl my girlfriend"

"I dont care, you asked me to come with you and you know i dont like waiting. And plus you already gave her your number, right?"

"Fair enough..." She sighed as she gave up on resisting my grip on her arm. We went to where we were supposed to go and bought the comics she wanted to buy. I knew it was actually pretty good despite just reading the first chapter on it, so i decided to add it on my collection.

"Oh i almost forgot, how was the novel?!" Aria suddenly talked to me which caught me out of guard because of how loud she is.

"Ugh, dont shout near my ear"

"Oop, sorry. So how was it?"

"It was stupid, too cringe, and i couldnt understand some of the parts"

"Right? I was also mad at how the author killed the villain and villainess for just some stupid reason" I watched her kept on nagging how bad the novel was. Aria sent me a R18 novel yesterday and it was a waste of time.

"Shut up, and why did you even have to send it to me anyways?"

"Come on i just wanted to share something to my best friend"

"Best friend my ass..."

"Hey! Its not like you didnt read it anyways"

"..." She does have a point i may have hated it, especially how bad the smut scenes were made but i still read it to the end, and i regret it.

"Fine you win..."

"Yey, does that mean you'll treat me for lunch?"

"Hah?! What do you mean treat you to lunch?"

"Did you just forgot our bet?" A dramatic gasp was heard from her big mouth as she swept away her crocodile tears. "I thought we were besties"

Urghh... Right, we made a bet. Whoever wins an argument gets to ask the loser a favor or a treat. Why did i even agree to this? Ah i remember, she kept forcing me everyday to agree to her stupid bet.

"Fine, just this once" Aira smiled widely with sparkles on her eyes as she suddenly shaked me while jumping up and down.

"Yeyey thank you kenken, you're the best"

"Agh, i get it i get it so stop shaking me im getting dizzy!!"

"Sorry sorry, now lets goo!" Aria dragged me to a fastfood restaurant, we ate and went hone afterwards since she said she had to do some things at home.

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