∆Chapter 2∆

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Flying to new destination please wait for landing..
Destination reached!
   "Shouldn't you go to the store? You have school soon" his mom said coldly that morning. School was almost ending and tubbo had almost nothing to end the last week off with, the whole year somehow he unfortunately had to reuse his supplies. After finishing a stale breakfast tubbo hopped onto his second most precious thing besides his phone, his bike. "Frick!" Tubbo whispered to himself, he was getting a black notebook, a small pencil pack, and a tiny pack of paper. As he got to purchase he felt very subconscious of his appearance, he thought he looked good in his white sweater and light blue jeans but apparently the look the lady at the cash register gave at him and his items made him think twice.

   "That will be 14 pounds and 12 pence" the woman said bored as she played with a scrap of paper.

   Quickly tubbo handed her the exact amount, grabbed his items and just fucking bolted out of there glad their interaction ended quick. He swung his legs onto his small light yellow bike and placed his items in the black basket attached to the front of the bike and rode back home. He hated it, he hated the fact he is to be expected to come home from school or from the store at an impossible time that not even a cheetah could get back in time. As he went around the corner he spotted a familiar female with pink hair and blue eyes wave at him from a small flower shop across the street.

   "Niki!" Tubbo yelled as he waved back. "Hey tubbo, would u mind coming over to pick up an order your mom asked for?" She yelled back. Intrigued, tubbo reluctantly went over still knowing about the rule he was to never break. Two nerve-wracking minutes later tubbo exited the flower shop with a small bouquet of simple white roses, quickly he gently tossed them into the basket and hurried home.
   School was hell. Tubbo would admit that it's a nice runaway if he wasn't bullied or picked on by the teachers for his dyslexia. "May I go to the restroom please?" "Yeah just get out of my face" his teacher said.

Memory boi 0-o

Ranboo hlep me ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽

What happened (;ŏ﹏ŏ)

I'm at fucking skool
and I don't
wannna be here

But then how are
u gonna come
To the US if
U don't get an education

Idfk, senak onto
Won of the flights

Tubbo yes ur
A small cute goat
Hybrid but that
won't work
They will still find u
On the flight ಠ_ಠ

Fuck u havf
Enderman 🖕

Luv u too bee <3

Oh stfu befor I
Fly ovr and gut u
Like a fish <3

   Tubbo's heart beaten so fast he was sure someone would hear it from outside the restroom and assume he's dying. Honestly tubbo didn't know how Ranboo came up with cute pet names like that within just a week of chatting, and that measley pixelated heart made him more happy then he ever had with anyone.

And he said he was cute goat hybrid, something he had despised, and that he loved him.

Love is so confusing isn't it?


  "Finally fucking lunch!" Tubbo said as he scurried out the stall and into the overflowing corridor boasting freshmens, sophomores,juniors, and seniors. Quite quickly tubbo made some of the first people to barge inside the dome like lunch room, not like tubbo would be able to afford any of this crap. "EYYY TUBBO MY FRIEND, MY BEST FRIEND" a happy voice yelled as they slapped tubbo on the back. "Hey tommy" tubbo greeted as he looked at the slightly taller blonde. "So you gonna get food today or what man?" He asked, "no not today boss man" tubbo sadly said. "I can buy your food today if you want" tommy offered. Tommy was the only one of his amazing friends that isn't deceased or gone, for now tommy was just the only mate he had that didn't bully him for some stupid excuse.

  "You wanna to meet some of my mates?" Tommy asked after they got their trays, "as long as their not girls" tubbo teased.

You've reached the end of your trip!
Next adventure:∆Chapter 3∆
Please keep all body parts and personal belongings in the aircraft at all times during our flight..

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