Chapter Three: Cakes! Let's give them hell! Oh, wait, Pastry's doing it instead?

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Pastry POV

Pastry sipped a cup of cocoa awkwardly. Red Velvet sat across from her with his hands steepled to rest his chin on them. His cake claw tapped against his normal hand as he quietly eyed her with suspicion.

"So, about your earlier comment..." Red Velvet started. Chiffon, who was sitting in his lap, ate stamina jellies with gusto, oblivious to the conversation.

Pastry tightened her hands on the cup, heart pounding. She was betraying all the nuns, her family! BUT CHIFFON! She was turning against the very ones that created her! OH, CHIFFON IS ADORABLE! She was fraternizing with those who wanted to destroy the very world! OH, LOOK AT THOSE LITTLE EARS!

"I am serious," Pastry said, steeling her nerves and trying to ignore her ego.

"Oh...kay," Red Velvet said, "but are you really, really sure that you are going to betray those nuns? And why would I want you to marry Chiffon anyway? Couldn't I just kick you out of my tower?

"I can infiltrate the nuns! And can take them down from within! I can be the inside man! I can be the cream of the crop! The ace in the hole! The Infiltrator! The Imposter! The Spy! The Boogeyman!" Pastry counted the options off with her fingers, grinning broadly.

"I'm not so sure about the last one, but are you really willing to do all that?" Red Velvet's voice was still heavy with skepticism.

Pastry put herself in his shoes. A nun with absolute loyalty to her cause, a nun who put herself together even after she saw others of her kind being eaten, who wreaks havoc among his armies, suddenly falls to a cakehound that she had seen multiple times?

If Pastry was Red Velvet, she wouldn't believe herself either. She would not trust someone who was possibly trying to take her down rather than the nuns. So Pastry had to prove it. Prove that her love really was both serious and genuine.

"I...alright. If you swear on an oath."

"Okay, what is it? Speak and I will fulfill it at once."

"Say: 'I solemnly swear upon the Cake Tower that I will fulfill my word and parry any attack that may occur against this tower. I will not go back on my word, for the punishment for doing so is death.'"

"I solemnly swear upon the Cake Tower that I will fulfill my word and parry any attack that may occur against this tower. I will not go back on my word, for the punishment for doing so is death." Pastry recited. Years of reciting the Books caused her to have a superb memory.

Red Velvet looked relieved and a bit surprised that she had actually taken the oath. He picked up his untouched glass of cocoa and downed it in one gulp. He then set the cup on the table and smiled mischievously. "Go back to your church. I'm sure the nuns are waiting." He stretched out his hand and caused the Fork of Judgment to fly into the area above his palm. Being the kind of creature that he was, Red Velvet couldn't touch it, so he quickly pulled his hand back causing the crossbow to fly to the floor instead of into his palm.

"Take this and don't go back on your word," Red Velvet tilted his chin towards the crossbow.

"Yes, brother-in-law or father-in-law or owner-in-law or friend-in-law, I'm not sure what to call you," Pastry said without a trace of sarcasm, her tone and intentions entirely sincere, "I will win the hand of Chiffon. I will get him to warm up to me. I will. I will prove myself to be compatible."

She turned to Chiffon, who was watching the conversation unfold with curious eyes, "I will try to be a better person, Chiffon. Wait for me. If you want to marry me, bark once."

Chiffon did not bark. (Probably because he had gone back to eating and also did not understand what she was saying, but Pastry did not know that.)

"Do not worry, Chiffon. I will not let you down," Pastry pursued her dream nonetheless, more or less discouraged than before.

She picked up her crossbow, smoothed her wrinkled clothes, and rearranged the Hello Kitty bandages that Red Velvet had given her for her wrists. She was ready to infiltrate "St Brutus's Secure Centre for Incurably Criminal Boys," no matter the cost. I mean, the church.

"See you later, then," Red Velvet told her, "Want me to throw you down, or do you want to take the stairs?"

Pastry thought there ought to have been a reason why Red Velvet brought up the first option so she bravely picked it.

Red Velvet grabbed her waist with his cake hand and headed towards the window. Pastry peeked over the edge once as Red Velvet lifted her up towards the window. The ground was miles away.

"Have a successful mission, agent." Red Velvet said.

"Roger, Cap Tain," Pastry said, saluting with her free hand as Red Velvet stuck his arm out the window and her along with it.

"Bon voyage!" Red Velvet let go.

Pastry plummeted towards the ground, screaming as she went. The ground was thirty feet away... ten feet away... four hundred fifty-nine feet away... two feet away...

Pastry realized that she was repeatedly bouncing on the ground until she slowed to a stop on the wobbling ground.

"Oh, it's jello," Pastry said to herself as she felt the rubbery surface. She was even more surprised that she did not get injured from the impact.

Pastry fell on her face and groveled. "Oh, thank you, mighty witches, for looking down upon me and sparing me from-" She then remembered the conversation between her and Red Velvet, got up, brushed herself off, and held her middle finger to the sky instead.


Red Velvet POV

Red Velvet peeked at Pastry, who seemed to be skipping away from the jello. He heard the door creaking open behind him.

"Red Velvet Cookie, did you just let our prisoner go?" Pomegranate's voice, tinted with disbelief, called out behind him.

"Crimson priestess," Red Velvet held up his cake hand dismissively without turning around, "I have my reasons for doing so."

"Really?" Pomegranate questioned.

"Yes," Red Velvet said, smiling wickedly, "looks like today it won't be the cakes to give them hell."

Pomegranate scoffed, but Red Velvet knew that she wouldn't understand. He knew Pastry would destroy the nuns from inside out. He would wait for her signal. Then he'd burn the monastary to the ground.

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