Near the bar, I spot Daniel and Samuel both downing their whiskey at a speed I never knew existed. With them is Daniel's friend, Elias Marshall. I frown and wonder when he'd managed to slip in. Last I'd heard, he and his family were in Canada for their eldest daughter's wedding. Now he's here. I scan the room, looking for Elias's wife, Jenna. I crane my neck slightly but eventually find her standing with Sophie and they both talk to someone whose face I recognise but don't have a clue who they are. 

Shrugging that annoyance off, I keep glancing around, finding Martha, Keira and Nia holding court with the younger women from my family. Éliane looks thoroughly bored and every few seconds she looks at her phone, then she does a quick check of the room, her eyes searching for something or someone. Following her gaze, it falls on where Léa is posing up a storm for the event's official photographer. I can't help but feel for Éliane, truly. 

We both know that Léa is the more effervescent one, the one who never lacks for a social life, and the one that Sophie doted on most. Éliane, meanwhile, is more Daniel's daughter, but even then, she often feels like the outsider given that Daniel's focus has been increasingly gravitating towards Dashiell. I take a step forward, fully intent on going to rescue my cousin from the horror of being stuck for a second longer having to listen to Keira Leahy sprouting some random shit, but it seems someone has beaten me to it. 

Interesting development. Who would have thought, Éliane and-

"I was wondering where you were hiding," a gruff voice mutters from behind me. Instantly, my skin crawls and I instinctively take a step forward, wincing as one of the overhead lights momentarily blind me. Spinning, I see Evander's eyes raking their way upwards. He'd obviously been appraising my dress from behind, but as his gaze travels upwards, I see the beginning of a scowl etch his features. "Not a fan of the dress, Sera. Tut tut. I'm sure I requested something more revealing."

I snort unattractively. "Request denied," I respond. With a slight humph, I turn and start to weave through the crowd, hoping to lose Evander amongst the bodies, but just as I thought I was clear, a hand wraps around my wrist and pulls me to a grinding halt. I hide the wince as my twisted skin burns in his grasp. I pull my arm from his clutches and with well-concealed annoyance, demand, "What do you want, Evander?"

"I thought that was obvious," he smirks. Bridging the gap, I feel his finger trace the contour of my hips. That's as far as he gets before I slap his hand away. "Come now, Sera, I thought we were friendlier than that."


My words lodge in my throat as I feel a presence behind me, the soft touch of a palm on my lower back giving me instant comfort. From my peripheral vision, I see Spencer come to a stop at my side, his hardened glare settling on Evander. He doesn't say anything; I think he understands that I don't need him to step in and take care of this for me but he wants to be here for moral support just in case. 

Evander surveys him carefully before he dismissively nods at Spencer and turns his focus back on me. "You know, Sera, he's just a boy. I think you need a man. And honestly, you wouldn't be the first woman he's dated that's come to that realisation. Isn't that right-" Evander turns back to Spencer. "-Sorry, what's your name again?"

"Spencer Cody," he replies, his voice cool. At that moment, a petite woman appears from the crowd and comes to stand opposite us, her arm inching around Evander's waist. She gazes at Spencer, something in the exchange making my stomach clench in disappointment the second I feel Spencer's hand drop from my back and his posture stiffens. I know exactly who this woman is, but the next words out of Spencer's mouth confirms it. "Avada."

The next five minutes are a barrel of uncontained awkwardness as Evander, Avada, Spencer and I stand in silence, eyes darting around maniacally, waiting to see who speaks first. Evander looks cocksure, almost like he's enjoying every single second of this. Avada and Spencer are in their own world, so much said from the looks shared, while I'm desperately looking for a way out of this situation, if only because I need to find a quiet corner to shed the burning tears building up in my eyes. 

The Disastrous Love Lives of the Delaney FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now