Please... (Spn angst and fluff)

19 1 0

Characters: Lillian, Crowley, castiel, Becky, Meg, Lisa, Charlie

Mentioned characters: Sarah, Gabriel, Balthazar, bobby, Karen, the brothers, hazel, azazel 

Warnings: blood, missing limbs, dusk humor

3rd person pov:

Lillian staggered down the darkened hallway, eyelids getting heavier by the minute as blood seeped out of where her left arm used to be. Thank god I'm right handed She thought, a weak smirk appearing on her pale lips. However, the smirk faded as tears rolled down her cheeks and fell onto the cold floor. "DADDY! SARAH! CASSIE! SOMBODY PLEASE HELP ME!" She screamed into the empty factory to show her desperation for her family, staggering and crying more violently, having used up most of her strength on her cry for help. Dammit hazel she thought to herself, remembering the fight with the girl who gave her a very unneeded amputation. The 6'9 girls breath started to quicken, her ribs hurt, but she kept going. You are Lillian singer, daughter of Karen and bobby singer, stepdaughter of Crowley, cousin to Sam and dean Winchester, younger sister to castiel, Gabriel and Balthazar, stepsister to Sarah singer and you are not going to die now. You haven't even confessed to Charlie yet for fuck sakes! She thought to herself once more. Just then, a pipe came out of nowhere and tripped the 19 year old, effectively making her twist her ankle. "Please..." She whispered, hand reaching out to nothing. She saw a door open and a pair of feet belonging to Crowley rushing towards her before passing out.

The girl ended up waking up in a hospital. As she looked around, she at least saw some familiar faces. "Cassie?" She asked softly after seeing the all too familiar beige trench coat and dark hair. The angel spun around and hugged His little sister. The doctor walked in and told cass to leave so she could examine Lillian. Becky was pissed at this, to her, a guy should be able to stay in the room to comfort his little Sister during an examination and so should her lovers. The doctor gave in and led Becky, Lisa, Meg and cass into the room and let Lillian decide on one more person to let in and she decided on Charlie. The dark haired man held onto his sisters hand as the doctor checked for any signs of infection and holy shit Lillian was relieved to hear she didn't even have a fucking fever. A week passed and the doctor called it a miracle when her arm grew back when in reality, it was just castiel using his angel shit to give her arm back. Hell, she even confessed her feelings to Charlie and thankfully the redhead reciprocated her feelings.

So the moral of the story is: DO NOT fight azazels daughter, you will lose an arm.

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