Your mother welcomed him inside and you came downstairs to greet him, it was like your first date all over again. He was still suave and confident like he always was around you. He even had flowers for you.

"Shall we go?"

You took his arm. "We shall."

He walked quietly for a few moments. "Are you nervous?"

"How are you not nervous?"

"Oh I was." He admitted. "And I'm sure everyone will tell you how red in the face I was just asking to invite you over. But after a while I got used to the idea and now it's not so bad."

"I guess I haven't gotten there yet."

"I know they'll love you, don't worry."

"I just don't want to make a bad impression."

"You won't." He assured you, squeezing your hand.

"You don't know that, I'll be there all day."

"All the more reason that you'll be able to feel more comfortable there."

You looked up at the sky as the sun hide away. "I hope it doesn't rain before we arrive."

"A little rain never hurt anyone, and if it does, we can make it fun."

Eventually you came upon the estate and you felt a pit of nervous energy settle itself in your stomach. But you did your best to keep it together as he pulled you inside.

You kept your eyes on the ground as he took you upstairs, but ad the voices got more distinct you had to look up to meet their gazes, Nyx just smiled and intertwined your fingers with his. "Everyone this is Y/N."

"Hello." You replied sheepishly.

You yelped as High Lord Rhys winnowed from somewhere else in the house, and extended a hand to you. "Good morning, my dear."

You hesitantly accepted the gesture. "Good morning."

The high lady came downstairs and sighed. "Rhys, don't give the poor girl a heart attack."

She came over and shook your hand as well. "You look lovely my dear."

"Oh. Thank you."

She pulled you over to the group and Nyx followed happily. The conversation was fairly basic, they just wanted to learn about you and your relationship. They asked about your interests, your work, and your family, while also adding some anecdotes of their own.

"So, where did you two meet?" Mor wondered casually.

"I was solstice shopping for Nesta so I went into her mom's bookstore because I heard that they still had copies of something that she had been looking for. She was restocking one of the higher shelves so she was on a ladder."

You laughed because you knew what was coming. "I tried to get her attention because it seemed like she was in there by herself, and she slipped and fell on top of me."

Laughs cascaded throughout the room and you just joined them. "I felt so bad."

"But I was fine, really. And then you asked what you could do to make it up to me and I had to ask you out."

"Smooth." Cassian chimed in.

When it was about time for dinner, you assumed that you would all eat together. It turned out that they had set up a picnic outside for you and Nyx to enjoy together. They said they would leave you alone together, but you couldn't help but notice hushed whispers and quiet laughing. You could have sworn that you even saw some shadows ducking around corners before you could catch them.

They were totally spying on your date.

The fun didn't last very long however as the overcast skies you were worried about on your walk over darkened, and the torrential downpour soaked both of you in no time.

Nyx pulled you under the covering on the patio and snatched a blanket from one of the chairs near you. He just wrapped it around both of you and smiled. "That was a fail."

"Not as bad as our first date. I seem to remember you breaking your nose that day."

"You're never going to let me live that down are you?"


He stood and offered you his hand with a wink and you both went inside. You each took a shower and then got dressed in some dry clothing and lounged on the couch nearest to the now roaring fire.

You peered up at him and he smiled down at you, your lips meeting just seconds later. "That wasn't so bad right?"

You shook your head. "I really like them."

You kissed him again and then rested your head on his chest, starting to drift off. "I love you Nyx."

"I love you too Y/N."

Nyx POV:

He settled his hand on the small of your back, running his thumb over the spot as you slept peacefully as you slept. His father's voice interrupted his thoughts. "You know what they say, once someone you love falls asleep on you, you're not allowed to move an inch."

Rhys sat on the couch across from the both of you, the corners of his eyes crinkled with a genuine smile. "She's good for you. I have never seen you so happy. I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to bring her over."

"I'm glad she was comfortable enough to come over. She was scared you'd hate her."

Feyre came over with hot chocolate. "Are you kidding? She's amazing we love her."

"Mom you've only known her for a day."

"All the more reason to bring her around more often, silly."

"After that weather ruining the nice date you set up I'm definitely going to invite her over again. If only to try again."

"I don't know I think it worked out pretty well for you." Rhys smirked.

Feyre shot him an irritated glance before smiling at her son. "I think a do over is a very sweet idea Nyx."

"Do you promise you actually like her and you're not just lying for my sake?"

"Why would we lie? That's just silly. We think she's a wonderful girl."

He watched you once more and then kissed your hair. "I think so too."

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