Me: okay but where are we going?

Dave: It's a surprise

I smiled and sent him the address and made my way upstairs to get ready. I pinned my hair up and stepped in the shower. I shaved my legs and washed my body. I stepped out and checked the time and it was it was 6:30pm. I did my makeup and looked through my bag for a dress. They were either showing to much or not enough. I didn't want to give the wrong idea. I picked up my blue dress and got dressed. I curled my hair and looked in the mirror one last time before taking a picture

  I curled my hair and looked in the mirror one last time before taking a picture

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I smiled and posted it. Making my way downstairs I could see Chris and Dave at the door. I mentally smacked my head knowing Chris was grilling him like I was his daughter

"So keep yo hands on yo side and don't even look at her for more than 2 seconds" Chris said looking at Dave with his arms cross and a robe on

"Chris really" I said walking past him and standing next to Dave as he laughed

"What? I gotta make sure dis Nigga know the rules" he said. I rolled my eyes and waved at Chris

"Bye" I said walking away as Dave grabbed my hand

"No touching mf" Chris shouted from the doorway. I laughed and got in the car as Dave got in on his side

"So where are going" I asked looking over admiring Dave. He was very handsome

"I told ya It's a surprise. Just relax" he said. I nodded and sat back looking out the window we came to a stop and I looked outside

"A beach" I said looking out the window.

"Yeah" he got out and opened my door for me. He was walked ahead of me when I stopped at the end of the sand

"What's wrong " he asked turning around

"My feet kind of hurts" I said taking off my heels. He came back and picked me up bridal style which caught me off guard

"You Alright" he asked walking on the sand

"Yeah I'm alright" I said as he placed me down and I seen a blanket with a basket and candles

"Awwwn this is pretty " I said admiring the scene. He took my hand and led me to the blanket as I sat down. He reached in his basket and pulled out flowers

"These are for you" he said handing me flowers

"How did you know my favorite flowers" I said smiling taking a whiff of my pink tulips

"A lil birdie told me" he said. I smiled at the fact my granny and him been talking about me.

"They're beautiful thank you" I said staying then dine as he poured me a glass of wine

"No problem" he said. We turned our attention to see the sun going down.

"So tell me about you" he said. I mentally rolled my eyes. I hated this question

You Deserve Better: August Alsina Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now