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Warning: This story contains a little smut, not much, but a little.

Two years after

The last two years have almost been like a dream to me. Wanda had helped me train my powers so that I could control them again. It was nice finally feeling free from the enemy. We hadn't heard anything from The Red Hydra in a little over a year. I know we should be concerned, but we weren't. We took everything as they came.

Bucky and Nat got engaged and married last year, which was terrific. It was a beautiful proposal. There were flowers and light, and it was at a beach. Nat couldn't have done it better. Wait, you thought it was Bucky who proposed? I'm sorry to say this, but it was Nat. Well, Bucky was going to, but Nat did it first, which was funny. They both had some outstanding vows. And yes, Nat was crying, which is something you don't see every day.

Do I want to get married? Yes, Yes, I do. But I don't know if Steve wants to get married. I have actually begun being a little worried about Steve and I's relationship. He has been a little distant the last few weeks, which has made me anxious. We do talk and have sex, but it's like he doesn't want me anymore.

Does he still want me?

Bucky and Nat were talking about adoption since Nat can't have children. I think it would be sweet if they chose to adopt a child. Well, I would love it with my whole heart. Wanda and I would be great aunts. Wanda also wants children, but I have no idea how they are going to do that. For me, it would be great having a mini-me running around or a mini-Steve, but I don't know what Steve would think about that.

Right now, I was lying in bed since I hadn't felt great the last two weeks. "Y/n?" The door opened, and in came Wanda and Nat. They walked over to me and sat on the bed. "How are you feeling?" Nat asked me. "Well, I sometimes have this feeling like I need to throw up. Oh, do you have some chips with you?" I asked them. I have had this urge for ice cream and chips lately.

"Y/n." I looked at Wanda, who was holding a plastic bag. She gave it to me. I opened it and looked at what was in it. "Nope, I can't be," I said while giving her the bag back. "Yes, you can. You have all the symptoms," Nat corrected me. Yes, I have had a few of the symptoms, but that doesn't mean that I could be pregnant, right?

"Just take the two tests for safety." So I took them back and got up from my bed. I closed the bathroom door and opened the two packs. I sat down on the toilet and peed on the two pregnancy tests. I put my panties on again before washing my hands. "Done," I said right before opening the door. "So?" They both asked at the same time.

"We still need to wait two more minutes." They nodded. I didn't know what I would do if I were pregnant since I had no idea if Steve wanted children or if he wanted to have children with me.

Did he still want me?

I walked over to the tests to check what the answer would be. "So?" They both asked again. "They are positive," I whispered while looking at them in shock. Nat took them out of my hands. "Omg, Y/n, this is great." I turned around and looked them in the eyes. "Oh, Y/n," Wanda said right before hugging me. "Why are you crying?" Wanda asked me.

"W-What if he doesn't want children," I cried into Wanda's arms. "Why would you think that?" I was happy that I was pregnant since I had always wanted my own children. "He has been distant lately as if he doesn't like me anymore. Does he still love me?" I asked them before removing myself from Wanda's hug.

They both gave each other a look. Why did they look at each other like that? "What is it?" I asked them. They didn't answer. "Please tell me." Great, now I was begging. "He still loves you, trust us, okay," Nat said before removing the tears in my eyes. I nodded. We laid down in my bed and began watching a movie. Nat and Wanda said that I could choose the film, so that was what I did. We started watching Sing since it was supposed to be a good movie.

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