Daughters and Sons

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"You'll definitely need the goggles," Drith said as she handed an extra pair to Tine

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"You'll definitely need the goggles," Drith said as she handed an extra pair to Tine. 

"Can't I come with you, Father?" Dina asked from her perch on top the dresser. 

"M-maybe next time w-we go to Kitri," he said. "This time, I need y-ya to help Serith with Orac." 

"Aww, grown ups always get to do the fun stuff," she pouted as she hopped down and sulked out the room. 

"She's a trip, that one," Drith said under her breath as she shouldered her own bag. "Ready?" 

"L-let me just go tell th-them bye and be sure Serith has what she needs." 

He ignored her chuckles as he walked back to the sitting room where Serith was sitting on the floor with Orac. "Hey, little man," he signed into the boy's hand as he asked Serith, "Y-ya're sure ya'll be okay?" 

"It should only be for a day or two at the max, right?" she asked. 

"Hopefully shorter," he said as he walked up to Dina, who was sitting by the fire with her arms crossed. Tickling her until she started to laugh, he grabbed her into a hug. "Y-ya be good for Serith, hear me?"

"Yes sir," she said, pressing her forehead to his. "You're coming back, right?" 

"Promise," he said, kissing her cheek as he set her down. 

Drith was leaning in the doorway, smirking at them. "You know," she said as they walked back through the rooms, "I never would have imagined you as the father sort, but you're remarkably good at it." 

He snorted, shaking his head. "Th-they're good kids." 

"Sure they are," Drith said, rolling her eyes. "Well, let's get this crazy trip on the road." Holding out her hand, she took his and a moment later, they were standing on the platform. 

"Wow, you weren't joking," she said, looking around at the people floating around them, seemingly unseeing or hearing. "This is weird. Which one do you think we ought to find first, Tzol or Whilop?" 

He looked down at her in complete shock. "Wouldn't th-they be together?" 

She pursed her lips together and shrugged. "Probably," she said, but the world stretched out a bit too long for Tine's comfort. 

He bit back a curse. Months back, he'd warned Tzol that Whilop was too fickle and soft to be a good match for him. It bothered him that his brother might be out there alone, but at the same time, he didn't want Tzol to look weak. "If Whilop's in any k-kind of danger, w-we oughtta look for her first." 

He wasn't even sure it would work, but he put his hands on Drith's temples and a new bridge appeared. None of the floating people seemed to sense it, because they were able to hurry around them. When they passed through the barrier, both of them wobbled slightly on the unevenness of the roots beneath their feet. 

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