A Dream

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I was going on live, since it was nearly the new year and I was super excited and in addition, I owed it to the fans to ask how their Christmas had been even though we did release songs and videos around the festive time. I switched on the live and there was a notification and I put on some songs to wait until there was at least 200 people on the live.

"Hey everyone, how was your Christmas? Mine was great and I did get the new smart watch I asked for, my parents got me it. I spent the day with the boys but I did quickly see my parents after I'd asked," I started. A few comments came in and suddenly a whole lump of comments whizzed by some stating song suggestions, some talking about other members, some actually interested in what I had to say.

I put on the next song, Stray Kids Winter Falls, and was quiet for a few seconds before stating, "I had a strange dream last night, not weird kind of nice actually. It was that myself and the members were all older, like in their 50's or 60's and we had children and were married. I had a kid called Jun-myeong and I was married to .. someone called ... Bo-ram. I was so happy though and it was quite nice, it was a gathering of the NCT guys after 20 years." 

I saw comments either saying 'oh my gosh that's my name' or 'he's so happy that's cute' or 'I wonder why he paused when saying the last bit'. I liked some comments with the positivity they spread and they blocked out anything negative. There was the occasional annoying comments which were the 'please say this' or 'love from __' they were nice but unnecessary.

 I ended the live after twenty five minutes and then went into Jeno's room and sat on his bed as he was on his computer playing some game. "Hey Jeno," I said, smiling. Jeno turned around, did the little eye smile thing, and then turned back, playing on his game. I flopped down and looked up at the ceiling, half wishing the dream to actually be the future, but that was only possible in movies.

I was happy with Dream, with NCT and half content with being in SM. The boys had made me feel like I was home, even when I was away from my family. I knew that I would keep dancing and singing with them till the end. And, there was something I didn't actually tell anyone, the person I married was.. 

Thank you for anyone reading this book from all around the world. I appreciate every view this gets no matter how many or who. As of now I have 800 views and I never thought I'd get this far, if I get any inspiration in the future, I'll maybe write another chapter but for now, there are other fanfics I have written if you ever want to check them out. Thank you for witnessing the beginning of Jun's journey and his activities <33

Edit A/N: OH MY DAYS. 10k reads 😭 thank you so much for everyone that has read this from anywhere you are, I appreciate it so much <33

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