Dream reacts to Dream

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We were on Esquire for us to react to ourselves on the internet and I was hoping I would find memes on this because, who doesn't make fun of themselves? We obviously did the 'To the world' etc etc introduction because it's just a routine by now. The seating arrangement was kind of: Jisung, Jeno, Haechan and Chenle behind and Renjun, Me, Jaemin and Mark in front. I was very disappointed I had to spend longer with Renjun because we have to share a room too - or am i??

Then it was a 'hi we are NCT Dream' but if you saw the title of the video they were going to put on you'd probably know that so we didn't really need to introduce ourselves but never mind. Mark the English King of NCT Dream then said, "Esquire has asked us to explain some things about our life and career. Allow us to dive in." Which was quite odd to be honest. They first showed us the chewing gum hover board performance from 2016 and I couldn't help but slightly cringe and slightly aww. Chenle said, "We were all babies. Now we're all a bit ... old- is all I think." I couldn't help but laugh along with the rest of Dream. So  he think's 20 - 21 is old (international). Haechan added, "Time you just can't stop." That was I guess true.

Then there was a meme of Mark and Squidward from Spongebob and I laughed really loudly. The writing on the meme said: I HATE THIS IM CRYING WHY IS HE MAKING THE EXACT SAME FACIAL EXPRESSION." I quietly said, "You need an apostrophe for I'm," and Jaemin laughed at me. Mark said, "I actually saw that. I've actually seen this before, I was actually pretty pleased with this, I was satisfied I'm not gonna lie. Like I didn't mean to stick it out but umm, I got compared to Squidward so that ain't bad. Yeah."

Then it was another but this time a video of Renjun imitating baby Jeno's milk advert. Or it said commercial but British-English gang. Jeno said, "Look at Renjun's facial expressions." I watched the clip again and grinned at it. Renjun kind of gave up on life at that moment as he added, "Why was I like that," which made me laugh more. Mark tried to save the day and say, "Hey, it's pretty cute," I kind of agreed. Jeno gave us a background story, "I don't remember exactly, but I think I was between 4 and 5 years old at the time." Mark said, "So how old were you here Renjun?" Renjun said, "At the time I was 22 years old." I smiled, "Renjun needs to do an adv-commercial." I shuddered when I changed my words and Mark laughed at me because it's normal for him. 

They then showed us a clip from 8llin' in the DREAM (Ep.1) and a comment that said: lmao Jisung kicked the bear cause he said he was more cuter. I frowned at the grammar and said, "More cuter?" Then I realized my OCD was kicking in and I let it go. Mark again, he is really chatty, "What? Why?" Jaemin spoke for the first time saying, "He was jealous." The kid tried to defend himself and say, "No, this isn't true." Haechan added, "Everyone, you can trust a guy that's cute, but don't trust one who tries to act cute." With that, we all laughed. Haechan really is a mood maker. Mark asked, "So why'd you kick the bear?" Jisung for some reason said, "I actually like doing this, you know pillows, cushions, or these kind of stuffed animals they're all soft. So, you just wanna try poking it once. But ... it's not like I kicked it because it was cute. I just felt like kicking it." I fake gasped, "That's worse." Mark said, "Jisung is cute than the bear though." I shrugged. 

Another meme captioned: this looks like a cheap movie poster for a cliche drama where the main character is in love with the most popular dude in school but the main character's best friend is in love with him and he doesn't know who to choose. I burst out laughing and agreed with the statement. "We had to take some photos, so we were just posing and then ran out of poses, so I just went like this- and that shot came out like this," Renjun tried to explain himself. Haechan disagreed, "No, so Renjun likes Haechan, the most popular guy in school." Jeno was shocked, "Oh, it was Haechan?" Haechan carried on, "and then Renjun's best friend, Jeno likes Renjun. So Renjun's trying to decide who to choose between the two. Renjun disagreed with that, "No, that's not right. My understanding of the story is that the two guys like Renjun the most popular guy in school ..." I was fully invested in this cheap movie plot but everyone was like 'okaaaaay' and Jaemin said, "Let's move on."

The next one was: Don't trust cute boys because this Jaemin can be this Jaemin. I silently screamed at the photo of the more possessed Jaemin. Mark explained, "They can't trust you apparently." Renjun also did so, "So your muscles that are here, while your normal self there's like that." Jaemin said, "I'd say that's my charm." I nodded. Mark said, "Right?" Jaemin added, "That's just a bundle of charm." 

Then there was J ASMR where Jeno was doing something crunchy with vegetables. "Wow that's the first time I watched my own video in full like that. Well, shooting this video series.. To be honest I don't really enjoy ASMR videos too much they even give me goosebumps. So my mindset while shooting these videos was .. If I make sure it doesn't give me goosebumps other viewers like me won't either. That was my thinking, so I didn't do anything I didn't want to hear, in my memory I remember sticking to things that sounded okay." Renjun added, "Honestly, as a person who really also can't listen to ASMR, even watching this video I still got goosebumps. Really I got goosebumps." I wonder why they can't it's relaxing for me.

Then was a picture of Haechan and what he would look like with silver hair and of course... Mark was the first to talk and Renjun the first to laugh. Mark said, "Our fans though- they're so good at Photoshop." Let's say I was not surprised. Renjun said, "It looks like your real hair though. I don't think you've done this color before." Jaemin added, "It has a cool vibe." Renjun said, "Isn't this from that time? Isn't that your real hair?" Haechan said, "Yeah, it was from Superhuman." Mark said, "No, it wasn't this color." Jaemin," Was it really this color?" Mark, "No, it wasn't as bright as this more grey-silver. We know better." Then there was a lot of commotion about whether it was ash grey or not and Haechan's hair but I really wasn't bothered. 

Then there was baby Chenle playing the piano. Chenle was screaming whether shock, embarrassment, surprise or whatever I had no clue. Everyone was then talking about how Chenle had baby hands and how he was like 5 or 6 and how he was cute. I laughed at how Haechan said 'was'. Chenle then said, "I remember it. The place, the situation, I remember all of it." Mark then said, "This was sort of his vibe when he first came to SM". I was confused, he was a baby playing piano? Cool vibe. They then randomly went on to talk about Chenle's short hair in Chewing gum era and how back then his hair was fine. Which I took to meaning not frazzled by heat or hair dye.

Then another meme, NCT Dream as low quality toothpaste photos. Renjun was yellow, Chenle a minty color, Jaemin blue and white, Jeno white, Jisung an orange, me a pink color and Haechan a red. Mark was surprised at Chenle's color and said, "What? Chenle's a mint color." Haechan decided to add, "My toothpaste is red." Jaemin then complained about his hair saying, "What in the world was I thinking having my hair like that?" I frowned and said, "It looks nice." We then made fun of Haechan's hair saying a parrot or Haribo, not toothpaste. Haechan then said, "We're waiting for your sensodyne and I said, "Or Colgate." 

It was then Mark's iconic 'You gotta seize the opportunity'. But what was funnier was the way Jaemin went, "Oh my god what the ?!" Haechan said, "That's part of the choreography for My First and Last." I laughed. Jaemin asked, "Are you smelling something?" Mark tried to explain himself but to failure. Jisung said, "It looks like you're holding a taco." I laughed again. 

Then there was the boring v crazy jalapenos and Mark was like, "That's pretty self explanatory." I said, "It's our photo shoot for crazy and boring spices. But there are no boring spices because they're all spicy." Mark decided to say, "We're chilling when we're bored but when we're crazy we go crazy." Jaemin randomly added, "Oh sexy." But I'm not complaining. The interviewer person said, "Haechan were did that expression come from?" I looked at the crazy photo and saw Haechan's face and smiled because I didn't notice that before. He just said he tried expressing crazy. 

Then there was the headline of us starring in our own reality show which was kinda true but because it's not on TV I'd call it a reality video. Which I don't think is a thing but it should be. Haechan then explained what 7llin' in the Dream meant and Jaemin again said, "Sexy." Which I think is iconic.

Another meme was: The gen z energy that Jaemin, Jisung & Junyeol exude. I didn't know what exude meant but that was fine. Renjun went on to sound like an old man saying, "That's the vibe of the young blood these days." Jisung saying, "Lying down and just being on your phone." Mark then questioning, "They call that the gen z?" I laughed because Mark is gen z. We said the thank you and goodbye and then once we'd finished I rushed off to go to the bathroom.

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