Weekly Idol ep.371

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The MC's Yoo Seyoon, Lee Sungjong (INFINITE) and Lee Sangmin did their introduction to Weekly Idol and we all did a great reaction I was actually laughing for us being so extra. Sungjong said that he was a special MC for today and again we were noisy. They started to talk between themselves and people would normally be nervous but even I knew - as my extroverted self - I shouldn't really be. When they said the average age for us was 18.7 and since I was 18 that sounded about right. They put on some cute animal ears and when they introduced us they introduced us as: the youngest artists in SM. We obviously made a very chaotic introduction and then introduced ourselves doing the little 'To the world. This is NCT'. We also introduced ourselves personally as fairies and I made sure I was the loud fairy. Which was self explanatory. The MC Seyoon also said he heard us singing a Queen song: we will rock you. 

They then went on to talk about how Jisung was 17 years old and him and Sangmin were 29 years apart. From there, we talked for a little and then did a 2x dance of We Go Up which I nearly forgot to move to my position in the chorus but moved at last minute. We were perfect though, as expected, hehe. The MC's said we were doing a popular segment and if we get it right we get Korean beef. We did amazing, not bragging just stating facts. 

We then went on to talk through personal profiles and Jaemin talked about the coffee and they gave us peach juice. Then they talked about being affectionate and Haechan said that himself, Jaemin and I were too affectionate which sounded about right. Even as he was saying that I was sat next to Chenle and I was hugging him because he is just too cute. Then Mark told the 'oppa' story which we all laughed at. I was still confused as to why he did that in the first place. Then the MC's went through Chenle 's  profile and he talked about his big head which isn't a Chenle section without that. They were also talking about how far Mongolians can see which was very random but funny. When they went through my report they talked about how I care a lot about Zodiac signs and how I got a dog that I like more than my brother and our banters relationship. They then went through Jeno 's report, talking about his eye smile and how unfunny he was but I think he's quite funny even when he's trying to be, the opposite of what the others think. 

We also did 10 second challenges the MC's said they had something for each person what they liked and in front of mine was hoodie's which is true because I wear a lot of them. One challenge was flipping things onto the back of your hand, disable a mechanical pencil - which I had a lot of practice with during school, unwrapping a lollipop, putting a slinky on your head, and moving a stick of chewing gum to your mouth. We only passed the pencil and the lollipop though. 

We then went through Renjun 's report while we talked about while he was called innocent guy. From him, we also heard a spray bottle impression and Mark did a paper ripping impression Renjun was also talking about alien conspiracy's which I am very interested in to be honest. I believe there is another life in the universe and that our atmosphere is stopping it from getting to us but it will when it passes our galaxy in around 500,000 years. Mark then did an electric fly swatter impression, and a slightly bad Khalid impression. It went onto Jisung 's report which he stated he was the King of the group and how Haechan holds a grudge over arguments. That led onto Haechan 's report of how tall he dreams to be at 183 cm (around 6 ft), how annoying he is and how he is the King of random dances.

From there, we did an NCT Dream random play dance and we got it wrong once when positions were mixed up but Renjun and Haechan and I tried to lie and say we were perfect but as always Mark is that one friend who tells on you in class when you cheat. Also, even though we messed up a few times - me and Jaemin *cough cough* - the MC's let it slide and we got to eat food. Overall, today was decent.

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