Prologue: So Far Not Good

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Just a reminder, not my idea nor do I own the characters of Danmachi. This is a long asked for request from fellow writer so if you're reading this, I'll do my best and hopefully you'll enjoy it. Now, onto the story...
It had been some time since the expedition, and the Hestia Familia was having a well deserved rest. Bell himself was sitting outside of the manor and reflecting on what had happened to him in the short time he's been in Orario.

Bell: (First finding Goddess, then Lili and everyone else. The minotaur, the whole incident on the middle floors, the wargame and saving Haruhime, the Xenos and then the expedition. So much has happened and it hasn't even been a year.)

He let out a sigh as he stretched his arms. It felt great to finally be free from his cast.

Bell: It's still early, might as well go for a walk.

And so, he passed by Welf's forge and told him he was going out.

Bell: I'm heading out for a bit!

Welf: Sure, I'll tell the others if they ask!

Finding something to preoccupy himself is all Bell could do. He was still plagued by nightmares of what happened to him in the dungeon, and was losing sleep for it. He was doing his best, but he wouldn't be able to hide it forever. Haruhime had already caught onto it, and she was doing her best to help him. Thankfully, he was able to get a decent amount of rest the last few nights. Right now, it was just barely past sunrise and the city was beginning to wake up and start the day. He walked around the streets and paid several visits to places he'd been to before like the ruined church, the square and the wall. More of the morning went by before Bell had enough.

Bell: (Guess I'll head back now.)

Since his last update, stats had risen to the peak again which had made it uncomfortable to move around for a while. He decided to take advantage of that and quickly make his way back home to get used to the massive jump he made. Arriving back, he opened the door where Haruhime was on the other side.

Haruhime: AH!!

Bell: Oh, s-sorry about that. I guess I should've knocked first.

He scratched his head while apologizing. The renard was startled at the rabbit's abrupt return, but quickly composed herself.

Haruhime: I-It's fine. Your timing was good, at least, breakfast was just finished.

He smiled, and the two made their way to where everyone else was and had their meal. While eating, Hestia had been curious about where Bell went.

Hestia: So, where'd you run off to this morning?

Bell: I just took a walk around the city.

Lili: You sure it wasn't to meet anyone.

The girl had a questioning look on her face as she and the short goddess interrogated the boy. Welf just groaned and rolled his eyes.

Welf: We just started, is this really the time to be doing this?

Hestia and Lili: Obviously!!

Hestia: My Bell is in a very vulnerable state right now!

Lili: Lady Hestia is right! Who knows what could happened to Master Bell while he's recovering!

Welf: Last I checked, he's already out of his cast.

Bell: Feels great too!

Welf: Anyway, he's more than capable of taking care of himself.

Lili: Even so...

Seeing this taking a turn, Mikoto tried to defuse this before it got out of hand.

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