See You...Maybe?

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Alex held the door open for me as we walked out into the front yard. It felt like we were the only sober people here. The second the door opened, cool wind blew on my face. It felt so good to not be in a room filled with sweaty teenagers that smelt like cheap alcohol. It was also kind of cold outside and I had made the genius decision to not wear a jacket.

"You seem cold. After living here for a few months I would 'ave expected you to know how the weather is," he chuckled.

"I should have brought a jacket. I'm an idiot."

Alex suddenly stopped and I could see him take the jacket he was wearing off.

"Here you can 'ave mine. I've already gotten used to the cold," he awkwardly smiled as he held it up for me.

"Oh no, it's fine it's not even that cold," I lied. God, I felt like such a burden right now. 

"No no take it," He said as he put it over my shoulders.

Again I looked down and blushed so my hair was hiding my face. Jesus, why was I getting so flustered around him? I couldn't give a shit when I was around that boy in the kitchen but Alex was making me so nervous. His jacket was warm and smelled like him. It smelled really good.

"Thanks," I quietly said still looking down.

"Don't even worry 'bout it," He replied putting his hands in his pockets and guiding me towards his car.

It was parked in front of the house except it wasn't a car.

It was a motorcycle. 

"Oh, it's...a motorcycle?? Um, I was kinda expecting a ride with four wheels," I nervously joked.

I did not feel safe on motorcycles.

"Are you sure you're 100% sober?" I said looking up at him.

"Eh, I'm sober enough. It's not my first time riding this thing," He laughed.

"Are you sure this is safe? Did you even bring a helmet?" I was panicking now. I've always been an overthinker.

"Shite I forgot to bring one. I kinda wasn't expecting to drive a pretty girl home tonight," He said rubbing the back of his neck. "Guess you're just gonna have to hold on extra tight," he winked.

Did he just call me pretty? It was slowly getting harder to breathe.

"Um alright then. I guess I have no other choice but to trust you."

"Correct. You'll hopefully find me to be very trustworthy. I'll try to not kill you," he smiled but I was not really appreciating the humor right now.

He got on and gestured for me to get on behind him. Once I got on he grabbed my arms and made me put them around his waist.

"Hold on," He said as he turned the thing on and the bike started to move.

My grip around his waist slowly got tighter as the motorcycle was speeding up. I leaned against his back and could smell his cologne. He also slightly smelled of cigs. He smelled comforting. 

We drove down the streets and I could feel the cold wind blowing on my face. It felt exhilarating. My hair was blowing in the wind and I felt like I was in a movie. Was this actually happening? Some cute guy was driving me home in his motorcycle after giving me his jacket.

"You alright back there you seem quiet? I hope you haven't passed out," He chuckled.

"I'm alright," I managed to say through the strong wind blowing on my face.

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