//Infimary date <3//

661 18 27


That wasn't worth the beating I just got," Mikey said pouting like a little kid. "But whatever my turn to ask somebody,.......Baji shot or dare?"

"Shot" Baji replies

Everyone gasps

"What??" Baji states

"You never pass an opportunity to pick dare" Koko replies

"Shut the hell up"

Everyone laughs.


After a few hours of playing 'shot or dare' At least all of the boys were half drunk.

"Yo guys, Emma made cookies. Let's go get some before Mikey eats all of them"  Tora said to the boys
They got up, walked over to the kitchen and ate some of Emma's freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.


Most of the group was on the verge of dozing off so they decided to play some board games to keep them awake.The majority managed to stay awake till around 1 am, the same couldn't be said for Mikey. He fell asleep about half an hour after they started playing games.

Baji started to feel a bit drowsy and his eyelids seem to be getting  heavier by the second so he decided to go to bed. he got out a fouton and told the others goodnight before slipping into a deep slumber.


The cafeteria was extremely loud today and The fact that Baji was tired didn't help to his current mood. The noise was sure to give him a headache so he told the guys he was going to get some fresh air and walked out the cafeteria.

He was currently walking down the hallway, to be honest it looked like something right out of a horror movie. Basically everyone was in the cafeteria so the hallway was empty.

Baji kept walking till he heard a thud. He looked around to find one of his teammates grabbing some person with blonde hair and a black undercut by the collar and pushing him against a locker. Baji though to ignore it at first but the voice in his head said otherwise. He walked over snd held the bully by the wrist

"Who do you think-" The boy started only to be interrupted by Baji squeezing his wrist tighter. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" Baji questioned. "b-Baji san?!" The other boy stuttered, fear in his eyes.

"Baji-san?"Chifuyu thought to himself. He looked up to see that it was indeed the infamous Baji.

"Punks like you need to learn your place!" He said with a wide grin on his face. That was the only warning the bully got before Baji's fist made contact with his face. He didn't even hesitate to run away when Baji told him to leave.

(I feel like I'm using "the bully" too much but I have no idea what else to use 😭)

Chifuyu could only sit back and watch in Adoration during the whole ordeal with a slight blush on his face. He was snapped out of his trance when the older spoke.

"Um that wound on your check looks bad, do you need help getting to the infamy?" Baji asked Chifuyu whitish offering him a hand. Chifuyu was as red as a tomato and completely awkard becuase His crush was literally standing infront of him offering him help, than again you would react the exact same way.

(I would literally pass away if my crush offered me help like this!!)

"Are you going to take my hand or not" Baji said impatiently. "O-oh right...sorry" Chifuyu quickly replied as Baji helped him up. "C'mon let's go" Baji said as he jestered Chifuyu to walk with him. "Wait where are we going?" The younger asked. "To the infirmary dummy, you're wound needs to be checked out or did you completely forget out it." The ravenatte stated flashing a smile on his face.

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