Prologue Wandering

Start from the beginning

He had been traveling for an hour straight now. Then gunfire rang out. He stopped walking and turned toward the noise before making his way over. 

"Don't give up!"

He came upon a hill and saw a group of constructs and soldiers with humans behind them. They were surrounded by corrupted and the soldier look really banged up. Without a second thought, he rushed down to help them. Down with the soldiers, they did all they could to keep the corrupted away, but they weren't reaching their limits as quick as humans do.

"Damn! How do they even stay charged!?"

"Nevermind that! Aim for their limbs and joints!!"

"Is this how we leave this world?" A woman quietly asked as she tightly held a child in her arms. Said child had their head buried deep into their mother's chest and trembled in fear. The others may not have heard her, but all thought the same. Suddenly, a corrupted got to close and was about to impale a solider, but before they could do so, they were sliced in half. The rest of the corrupted couldn't see what happened, because they were quickly torn apart.

"The... Hell?"One of the soldiers whispers. They took a moment to process the seen of fallen machines before registering the person standing among them. After a few seconds, he turned to the stunned audience.

"Is everyone alright?" He spoke gently, not wanting to frighten them.

"A construct?"

"U-Uh I think so..." He turns to the construct. "Um, thanks for the help. We're all good, well, most of us." He turns and points at a female who was keeping to themselves on the ground and kept at a distance from the others. The construct in front of them studied the one in the ground and identified her as a construct like Him. She was righting clutching her arm.

"What's wrong?" The teen asked as he eyed her wound. 

"She's been infected, and there's not much we can do about it." Hearing that, the teen nods and walks over to her, while holstering his weapon. He got close to her and kneels. She notices him and glared harshly at him.

"What are you doing!? Didn't you hear him!? I'm infected, stay away!" He didn't listen, instead he forcefully removed her arm to see the infection. Some wires and metal skin could be seen. The figure didn't falter and grabs the construct to pulled her close to him. "Wha-! Hey!! What do you think your doing!?" He stills doesn't respond as he stands up with her in his arms. He turns his head to the soldiers.

"I have something that can treat her, but in case she lashes out, I'll take her away. We won't be too far." The soldiers exchanged glances before one responded.

"Uh... Okay? But may we have a name at least? A squad name maybe?"

"... Y/n."

With that, he carried her away despite her very vocal protests. After getting behind a few trees, he kneels again and lays her down on the ground and forcefully held her arm out to examine it. By now the female construct wasn't struggling against him anymore and only glared.

"What now? You don't seem like a support type, or even look like you know first aid."

"... I took you here so they wouldn't see what I do."

"Huh?" Not answering her, he places his right hand on top of the wound while also holding something in his other hand. His hand glowed a light blue and mixed with the red energy. The female stared in shock at what was happening, energy was being drawn through her arm and absorbed into Y/n. It also seemed to be infecting the object in his hand. Soon the glowing stopped and Y/n removed his hand. When the construct checked her monitors, she found no traces of the virus. "... What did you do?"

My will is stronger then any program! (Male reader X Punishing Gray Raven)Where stories live. Discover now