Episode 2: NYC LARPERS

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Clint walked quickly through the woods towards the LARP event. His eyes widened slightly as he approached the front desk, noticing how many people were actually there.

'That looks so much fun!" Ned exclaimed excitedly.

"I know right!" Peter agreed.

"Hi," he greeted one of the LARPERS while looking around at the crowds of people.

"Ah, there you are," he noted when he saw Grills in the suit.

He started to approach him before being stopped immediately by a woman in a viking costume, "Uh, Hey. There’s no looky-loos."

"Yeah Katniss!" Tony smirked, throwing a popcorn kernal at Clint's head, which the archer dodged with a flash of annoyance.

"Uh, I’m not trying to cause any trouble here," he stated, raising his hands slightly, "I just wanna talk to that ninja, right there? Stole that suit. So, I’d like to talk to him."

"Ah," she noticed who Clint was looking at, "So, you can take that up with him when the LARP is over. The Live Action Role Play. This, you know… This whole thing."

"Wait, when is it over?"

"Midnight," she nodded.

"Geez," Bruce sighed, his eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, that’s not gonna work. It’s just gonna take a couple minutes…" he tried to walk past her; only to be stopped again.

"Did you really think that was gonna work?" Nat laughed.

"Uh… Hey," she cleared her throat, "Look, I know who you are, but most of those folks out there are firefighters and cops. And if you break the rules, it’s gonna get real messy."

Clint sighed in defeat, "What are the rules?"

"Oh my God!" Tony stared wide eyed at Clint, taking his glasses off, "Clint Barton, are you about to LARP?"

Clint groaned and scratched his forehead.

"This is going to be amazing," Stark smirked in anticipation.

"Name?" A woman asked, a clipboard in her hands.

"Katniss Everdeen."

"Uh, yeah, no, thank you," Clint smiled.

"Email?" She offered.

"That’s classified."

"Title? Organization?"

"All right, yeah. Let me just sign it, and, uh, we’ll get this show on the road," Clint smiled, taking the pen and paper.

"I'm so excited to see this," Natasha teased, nudging Clint in the shoulder.

The LARPERS at the desk stared at eachother in amusement.

"So, your scroll details your character’s mission," she states, handing a rolled up piece of paper to Clint.


"Beginners only get one free hit. If you get hit in the torso, it’s fatal." She gestured cutting his head off with her finger and clicked her tongue for dramatic effect.

"Right then..." Bruce looked nervous.

"Oh. So violent," he opened the scroll.

"Just watch what other people are doing. And have fun."

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