Info about breathing form

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Hello! This chapter is a bit different! I will be explaining, in depth, the breathing style "Reaper Breathing" and it's 24 forms. The important ones will be in italics, just in case you don't wanna read all 24 lol.

Thank you, and happy reading!!

Form 1-A Grasp in Life
A simple slash: giving way for multiple combinations

Form 2-Myriad of Lost Souls
The user keeps a constant breath, forming a circle of souls that slowly surround and suffocate the opponent, forcing them to get lost in the souls.

[Leaves behind no trace of opponent]

Form 3-Famine
The user lessens their weight, allowing them to move faster for a time, but their blows will be slightly weaker.

Form 4-A Shallow Grave
The user cannot breath during this attack, they make a quick attack, impaling the opponent. A soul is able to infiltrate the opponent's body, tearing them apart from the inside out.

[Very painful and violent]

Form 5-True Silence
The user uses a quick, silent, attack to mercifully and painlessly kill the opponent.

Form 6-Escapable Death
User heightens their reaction time and observation skills, making them untouchable to any opponent.

Form 7-A Lost Soul
User wraps a soul around their scythe, enhancing the power of any following move.

Form 8-Soul's Recollection
A form that sends the user into a semi-conscious state and lets them move fluidly, a chance to mentally collect themself.

Form 9-Graveyard
Souls quickly cover a large area, making it very difficult for the opponent to see. Works as a thick fog.

Form 10-An Unmarked Grave
The user slowly creates a fog (similar to graveyard) of souls, however, anyone that enters the space will be knocked unconscious.

[only works in compact spaces]

Form 11-Fated Strike
A hyper-accurate strike from any weapon, always ending in harming the opponent in any capacity. (in other words, will always result in at least scratching the opponent)

Form 12-War
This ability is a chain of attacks, all rapid slashes, all very powerful, this will however leave the user very drained.

Form 13-Dying Resolution
This ability allows the user to phase into the ground, though it will slow them down, they will become one with the earth in a 3 yard radius.

Form 14-Crippling Fate
User can slash the ground, allowing souls to erupt from the crack, tearing apart any of the opponent's limbs that are near it.

[Very painful and aggressive]

Form 15-The Kiss of Death
After the user draws blood from the opponent, their blood will curdle, pop, and explode, burning the body from the inside out.

[Very painful]

Form 16-The Dance of the Lost
The user leads a dance of souls that cut anything coming in contact with them.

Form 17-A Stroke of Misfortune
When the user scratches the opponent, a soul will latch onto their body and hold them in place for a short time.

Form 18-Blackening Bond
The user drops their own blood directly onto a demon's blood, and any pain inflicted on the user will also hurt the opponent.

Form 19-Death's Presence
Purely a taunting move. A random soul takes the form of the opponent, and are shown their worst nightmare. (in other words, shows how they would hate to be killed)

Form 20-Trench of the Dead
Another ability purely for show. Souls cover the user's body, making them appear more dangerous and intimidating. (has no effect on the user's actual strength)

Form 21-Screams of the Dead
User "unmutes" the screams and cries of the souls surrounding them. This causes a loud and distracting sound, loud enough to make opponents ears bleed.

Form 22-Death Itself
This form is the strongest offensive attack out of all breathing forms and styles. It allows one massive strike of extreme power, however it is extremely fatiguing.

Form 23-Bludgeoning Insanity
This attack is only possible when a user's mental state is at its absolute lowest during a battle. Able to tear apart the opponent's skull using any sort of blade or blunt object.

Form 24-Broken Body
Something as small as a scratch of the user's weapon will cause every bone in the opponent's body to break and/or shatter, however this leaves the user very fatigued.

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