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-[NAME]'s POV-

The woman walked quickly, neither of us uttering a word to one another. Letting my feet carry me, mindlessly following the woman who killed my mother and protected me from death. I felt numb. I couldn't feel the frozen air piercing my skin and lungs, couldn't hear my heart pounding in my ears or the screams of Misoto and Hina as they discovered my parent's bodies. I couldn't taste the blood in my mouth from biting down on my tongue too hard. I couldn't see anything but my feet and the snow beneath them...and truthfully, I didn't think I wanted to. I didn't want to feel, hear, taste, smell, or see anything at all. I wanted my senses to shut off entirely...I wanted this nightmare of an evening to end before I had the mental capacity to process it all.

The woman stopped at some point, maybe it was a few minutes...a few hours later, truth is I didn't know, and I didn't care. I tucked the black box futher under my armpit, and gripped the wooden sword tighter in my left hand, knuckles turning white. My eyes still trained on the ground, I heard the soft sound of glass hitting wood, gently, getting closer. A cold hand landed on my cheek as the woman moved my face to look at her, not that it was much of a different angle. The woman was very short, even when hunched, I seemed to tower over her.

"Child," the woman's voice was deep and raspy, "do you know anything about demons?" she quizzed, I studied her, was she joking? I just watched my parents die and she's asking me about demons? If she had a point, I didn't pay attention to it, I was too focused on the rage that seemed to be boiling over my body.

"Really?" I hissed, "I just watched the most traumatic thing in my life and you're asking me about some fictional creature?!" The box dropped from under my arm, my right fist balling up, nails digging into my palms, the grip on my sword only getting stronger.

"Not fictional, [LAST NAME], they are very real-" I cut her off, grabbing her wrist, ripping it off of my face. I didn't care if it was rude,

"Stop! Don't sit here and try to teach me something!! Do you really think I could retain any information like this?!" my right hand joining the left on the hilt of my sword, "You have no right! No right to treat me like I'm some sort of student when I don't even know you!! How dare you!" I got louder, as I readied myself into a fighting stance that I had practiced so many times before, and I charged her. I knew my sword was wooden, but I didn't care, it's blunt and would hurt her if I hit hard enough.

Wait..how have I run so far, she was right in front of me...I paused looking around myself when I felt a strong weight hit my back, "ungh!" I grunted, falling to the ground, rolling to the left as a dark wooded staff slammed down where my head would've been.

"Holy sh-" I was cut off, the end of the old woman's staff landing at the tip of my nose. I never even had a moment to flinch. "I- I'm sorry." I whimpered, a familiar sting hitting the back of my eyes, my cheeks heating up and my heart seemingly skipping a beat.

"Your breathing, stance, and hesitation slowed you down, [LAST NAME]. Next time, focus on your surroundings, be observant, and be cautious." she warned, lifting her staff away from my face, "Don't rush into a battle based only on pure emotion...it will get you nowhere."

This woman....she was so comforting. But not in a way that seemed normal for an old woman, the comfort you would find in an old professor or teacher, one that's been hardened by the world around them, yet wants to help the youth. That kind of comfort.

I moved myself to my knees, placing my hands on my thighs as I hoisted myself off of the cold, silvery snow. Reaching a hand up, I wiped the tears off my own cheeks, feeling the warm liquid attach itself to my fingertips, making them colder than before as they iced over in the frosted winter air.

"As I was saying," she walked over to the black box, placing it in my arms once more as she continued, "demons are real, and so are demon slayers. Your mother was turned into a demon, and ate your father, a very well known, and respected demon slayer." she finished, her bright yellow eyes piercing my soul, effortlessly. Pausing, she nodded her head toward the trees, or more specifically, the string of houses and bridges that lie in the highest branches of them.

She took me into her home, all while explaining demons, their ins and outs, their ups and downs...everything about them. While I just sat there, soaking in the information, and trying my best to not boil over with a million questions as I used to do with my dad. She clarified that she would train me to become a demon slayer, and that she would teach me everything she knows about demons, so long as I promise to listen and treat her with respect.

Her home was surprisingly warm for being so high up. It had dark wood paneling for the floors, and cream colored walls, with traditional sliding doors. Her kitchen used dark woods, her living room was adorned with a black leather couch that seemed to be old and worn, lightly patterned rugs littered her house along with strange paintings and weapons...it was a marvel to see.

She showed me to my room, only two bridges away from her own. It was dark, much like the rest of her home, however, this one had a closet, with a dark green sliding door, as well as a mat that lay on the ground, decorated with a thick black blanket, and a few green pillows. The room had some plants and two windows, both had beautiful velvet curtains that were tied to the side.

I opened the sliding door to the closet to find three outfits, all in my size, all very similar. They were all baggy pants, shin guards, a long sleeve, a tank top, and a short sleeved shirt, with three haori, one, a solid black with white designs at the sleeves. One, a dark green with barely visible black designs on the edges, and another, a white haori with gold designs of what seemed to be shadows and clocks.

I shivered, the sudden realization of the cold, wet kimono I was wearing suddenly hit me...I was freezing. I peeled my clothes from my body, finding a white towel in the corner of the room, hanging neatly off of a shelf. Drying my hair and body with it, I put on the new clothing, opting for the long sleeve, and picking up the dark green haori, hanging it on a hook next to the door.

I lowered myself to the mat, wrapping the thick fabric around my body and laying my head to the pillow, as my body seemed to finally relax. A weight had been lifted, and a burden sat heavy in its place...This is my new life. I will become a demon slayer...and avenge my parents for all that they have suffered.


Hey! I'm sorry, I know this one was a bit shorter than the prologue but that's because I didn't wantany time skips in this one, the next chapter will feature more about the original breathing technique I made up, as well as more about the Mentor.

Also there may be a following chapter explaining everything about the breathing technique in case you get lost since I definitely won't be able to cover all of the breathing technique in this book without it getting overwhelming.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!!


- REAPER -  [Demonslayer x reader]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя