chapter 8 (edited)

Comincia dall'inizio

Ni-ki: I didn't tell you?

The boys shook their heads.

Ni-ki: we met a few days ago and she agreed to be my dance partner!

The boys looked shocked.

You were still focused on the sounds though. You covered Ni-ki's mouth and tried to listen for it again.

Y/n: I think it came from the forest?
Heeseung: oh was it like a scream or something?
Y/n: yeah...
Sunghoon: probably wolves they like the forest
Ni-ki: mmmmpppphhh
Y/n: oh sorry

You took your hand off his mouth.

Y/n: has anyone ever gone to check it out?
Sunoo: I believe so! Like at one point someone must of gone in there to investigate
Heeseung: I suppose they would
Y/n: huh
Jake: wait you aren't planning what I think your planning...

You just smirked at the brothers and made a run for it.

Jake immediately got up and yelled "she's going into the forest!"

The boys got startled and ran after you.

You were standing on the border of the forest.

Boys: y/n!
Y/n: yes?
Heeseung: come on do you really wanna go in there?!
Y/n: I mean I am curious
Jay: haven't you heard the saying of curiosity killed the cat?!
Y/n: yes but you'll be with me
Jungwon: like we will be any useful
Y/n: your vampires right?

You looked at them while they stood there frozen.

Y/n: I've had my suspicions for quite a while now...
Boys: ...
Y/n: Like the way when we would hug you would sniff me or the day i accidentally got a paper cut and Heeseung kept focusing on the cut or when i wore silver jewellery to dance and when me and Ni-ki finished dancing i noticed him covering some sort of burn mark on his hand...
Boys: so you were using us as experiments?
Y/n: not exactly. I wasn't doing them intentionally just so happened that i figured it out by some clues.

The boys sighed knowing that it would happen eventually and would have to tell someone.

Y/n: well are we going in? Your highnesses~
Heeseung: how?
Y/n: you guys really can't keep secrets can you? Would've thought you would get rid of all the books in the school library about you guys. I mean come on. Vampires and have lived in this area for over a thousand years? The only ones allowed in this area were royals or purebloods. The way you reacted just now proves my theory.
Jake: in our defense we didn't think anyone would bother to go and look there!
Y/n: yeah yeah anyway let's go!

You walked into the forest the boys walked slowly behind, keeping an eye peeled on anything that could be around.

Jay: how does she know so much about us?!
Jungwon: were you not listening? She practically experimented on us!
Heeseung: but let's be honest if she didn't find out sooner we would've accidentally slipped up.
Sunghoon: I suppose she can back us up if we slip up
Jake: who's to say she will though like she could tell the whole school!
Heeseung: she wouldn't do that I know her very well!
Sunoo: Ni-ki can't you just check her intentions?
Ni-ki: sure

Ni-ki looked at you who was walking ahead of them and looked confused, he couldn't quite place what was happening.

Jake: so?
Ni-ki: my powers aren't working on her...
Heeseung: what do you mean you can't use your powers on her?!
Ni-ki: I mean they won't work!
Jungwon: is it possi-
Heeseung: we'll save that for the last thought... I mean we have been watching over her thinking maybe she is so this might be the confirmation.
Y/n: you guys done arguing?
Jake: yes we are
Jay: where are we?
Sunghoon: I don't know this place of the forest and I've been in here many times!
Heeseung: Interesting... I've never seen or heard about this place...

enhypen FF Ot7Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora