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"Steve! Steve!" You yelled, looking for your older brother. You search the house before opening the door to your garage and see Steve under his car, laying back on your skateboard. "Steve!" You say. He goes to sit up and hits his head on the car. "Ow, shit." He says from under his car. You snicker as he rolls out, holding his forehead he sits up. "Shush." He mutters when he sees you laughing. "I'm gonna head over to Mike's, I left Space Invaders for my Atari over there." You explain. "Cool, be back soon." He says. You go back through the door into your house and run out your front door to your bike. You start riding to Mike's. You're passing by your girlfriend Max's house when you hear a loud crash, arguing and yelling soon follows. You get startled and fall off your bike. You groan as you stand up and look around at the darkness, only light illuminates from street lamps and windows. You turn to pick up your bike and in front of you you see Max's house, you see two figures in the front window, arguing. One is a taller man who's yelling at a smaller girl who's yelling as well as she backs up into the corner. "Oh, shit." You said to yourself realizing that it was Max and Neil. You dropped your bike and quickly ran up to her front door, grabbing the doorknob, rattling it as you struggle to open the door. When you realize that its locked you rapidly bang on the door until Susan opens it, looking sympathetic and odd. Susan knows that Neil's a bad person, but she never stands up for her own opinions in fear of him. "Where's Max?" You say, looking behind Susan. "Y/n, nows not really a good time-" You push past her and walk into the house, seeing Neil yelling at Max in the living room. "YOU'RE MY DAUGHTER AND YOU WILL OBEY ME!" Neil yells before looking behind Max and making dead eye contact with you. You got nervous so you looked over at Max who turned around to see what Neil was staring at. "Y/n?" She says. You notice a huge cut spread across her forehead and bruises all over her as a broken lamp lays on the floor next to her feet. "Max." You say under your breath as you make your way over to her. "Y/n, what are you doing here? You- You're not supposed to be here." She says, grabbing your shoulders. "Max, what the hell happened to you?" You say as you stare at the cut on her head. "Nothing, I'm- I'm fine." "Max, no you're not." Tears threaten to pour from your eyes as you see your girlfriend in pain. "Get the fuck out you faggot." Neil says to you through gritted teeth. You glare at him before looking back at your girlfriend. "Max, what did he do to you?" You ask. "I said for you to GET OUT!" He yells, punching a hole in the wall. "Don't yell at her!" Max says, getting in front of you. "You're a disgrace to this family! Running around with a girl, this is not at all okay! I knew you were a faggot, but don't worry, after tonight you'll never see this... thing ever again." He refers to you. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" You yell at him. "Whats wrong with me?! You're the fucking fag here! See Maxine, this is exactly how Billy died! You were off doing whatever you dykes do together while Billy got killed! It's all. your. fault!" You see Max's eyes tear up as she starts to cry and a sob escapes her mouth. She was trying her best to hold it back but couldn't anymore. You felt anger and sadness fill you up inside, you felt so bad for Max and wanted to rip Neil to pieces. "You're seriously mental if you think that Billy's death is her fault! Max is the most amazing person I've ever met and I will NOT let you treat her like this! She doesn't deserve this! She doesn't deserve any of the trauma that she has! You shouldn't care who Max likes, you should care if shes happy or not because she's obviously not happy living in this hell with you! So leave her the fuck alone! And shes not your daughter! She never will be! You ever hurt her again and you will be sorry you ever did." You yell at him. He stands there, no emotion on his face but shock and anger. "MAXINE IS A SCREW UP! SHE CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT! SHE NEVER SHOWS RESPECT! SHE DOESN'T DESERVE ANYTHING! SHE HASN'T DONE ANYTHING GOOD FOR YOU THAT MATTERS! SO WHY DO YOU EVEN FUCKING CARE?!" He screams back. You're overcome with emotions and you're about to charge at him when you feel Max grab your hand from behind you. Before you knew what you were saying, you yelled the truth. "BECAUSE I LOVE HER!" The whole room went silent, not a sound from anyone. Max stood in shock with mixed emotions. "I LOVE HER! AND I WILL NEVER STOP LOVING HER!" Neil's face is a dark red with anger "C'mon, Max." You tighten your grip on her hand as you lead her out the front door. "MAXINE! MAXINE COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW! GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!" Neil chases you but stops in the door frame as you help Max onto your bike outside. "YOU FAGGOT!" He yells after you as you ride back to your house. You feel Max's arms tighten around your waist as she basically hugs you while you ride back to your house. You slightly smile and blush as you feel your girlfriend cuddle into you. When you get to your house you drop your bike on the driveway and pull Max inside, opening the door for her. "Hey, Y/n!- Uh why's Max here? And wheres your Space Invaders game?" Steve asks from the couch. "I didn't get it. Call Mike and tell him I'll grab it in the morning. Also, Max is staying with us for a while." Max winces at her cut and pulls her hand away from it. "Holy shit! What the hell happened?!" Steve exclaims. "We'll be right back, I'll explain then." You say as you lead Max to the bathroom. You sit her down on the toilet and grab the first aid kit from the cabinet, opening it and grabbing bandages and wipes and stuff. You notice her looking down and away from you, you slowly lift her head up by her chin as you look into her eyes. You smile at her and wipe the tears off her freckled cheeks. "You're beautiful." You whisper. She smiles and looks down again. You chuckle and start cleaning her cut. You treat it and put a bandage across her forehead before kissing it and staring back into her eyes. "Max, I'm so so so sorry. You don't deserve any of that." You tell her. "But- Y/n why are you even dating me? It's just like Neil said; I'm just a stupid faggot. I can't do anything right. I don't deserve you." Tears fill her eyes as she talks. You lift her head up again to make her look into your eyes. "Max, you are not any of those things he called you, you are amazing and the best person I've ever met." She sniffles. "You deserve the world, Max. You're worth everything to me." You reassure her. "Re- Remember when you were yelling at Neil and you- you said- you said..." She stutters. Your face flushes as you understand what shes saying. "That I love you?" You ask. "Yeah..." You both sit there in silence for about a minute. "I love you too." You look at her and make eye contact. "You- You do?" "God, of course I do! You've done everything for me. And I would do the same thing for you. I love you, Y/n, a lot." She explains. You sigh in relief. You both make eye contact before you both lean in and stop right before your lips make contact. Your lips brush across each others. "Max... I-" She cuts you off by grabbing the back of your head and smashing your lips together. You move your lips in sync with each others in a slow, affectionate kiss. Max then stayed at your house for a long, long time.

Zoomer; Max Mayfield x fem reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now