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You and Max had been dating for about a year, it was your first Christmas together, well, your first Christmas you were SPENDING together. The first Christmas was after you both starting dating at the Snow Ball. Her family would never accept you and her... since you were both girls. Which is why you couldn't be together last Christmas. But now, Max's mom and Billy's dad were out of town, leaving Max home alone. You were pacing in your room, wondering how to ask Steve if Max could stay for Christmas week. "He's totally gonna say no. I mean him and Max get along great! Until it comes to Steve being overprotective. But that doesn't matter, he'll totally say yes! Will he though? Yes, he will. Now go down there and ask him, Y/n!" You speak to yourself before walking downstairs. "Hey, Y/n! Is Max coming over? I found this new skateboard shop by my work and wanted to tell her about it!" Steve says. "Yeah, she is. That's what I wanted to talk to you about." He sets the last plate down on the table and looks at you. "So uhm since Christmas is coming up and uhm Max's parents aren't here..." "I don't like where this is going..." Steve says. "No! I mean like... can she sleep over for the Christmas week?" "Oh! Sure! Max is great!" You look at him oddly. "That's all it takes?" "Well what do you want? A helicopter?" He chuckles. "But you're always protective of me and Max. Whats going on?" You ask. "Well, you're older now, and more mature. So I trust you." He pats your shoulder. "Plus, a girl asked me out during work today!" "Thats it." You laugh. You hear a knock and run to the door. You open it to see your beautiful redheaded girlfriend. "Hey, Maxie!" You say before hugging her. "Hey, Y/n/n!" You see that she has a duffel bag. "How did you know Steve said yes?" You ask, pointing to the bag. "Oh! I didn't. I was just planning on paying some girl to sweet talk him into letting me stay if he said no." She chuckles. "I heard that!" Steve yells. "No you didn't!" You yell back. You and Max go up to your room while Steve starts dinner. Your parents were out of town for Christmas for work. You sit on your bed. "So, what do you wanna do?" You ask, swinging your legs. "Well, I don't know." She sits next to you. "What do you wanna do?" "I think I have an idea." You smirk. "Oh, do you now?" She smirks back, leaning in closer. "Mhm." You lean in, closing the space between you two for a few seconds. "You excited for our first Christmas together?" You ask. "Yeah!" You see her smile fade as she moves a bit away from you. "Hey, whats wrong?" You ask, gently placing a hand on her thigh, tracing circles just like she likes. "Nothing! I'm- I'm fine." "Max... I've known you for one year, one month and twenty four days, I know when something's wrong." You say, grabbing her hand and interlocking your fingers. "You counted?" She asks. "Yeah, I did." "Me too." She said. "Thats how I knew it was correct." You both chuckle. "Now whats wrong?" "Well, ever since I was forced to leave my dad and live with Billy, Neil and my mom when I was six, Christmas wasn't really the same. The only present I got every year was socks and a lecture from Neil. They always fought every Christmas... especially Billy and Neil." She looks down, embarrassed. "Max, I am so sorry. And I promise that I will do everything to make this the most amazing Christmas for you." "Why do you care so much?" She asks. "Because I'd do anything for the people I love." "You love me?" At that moment, you had realized what you had said. "Of course I love you." "I love you too." You both lean in and close the gap between each other again before Steve bursts in. You both jump away from each other. Steve is fanning the hallway with a towel. "How do you guys feel about ordering pizza for dinner?" He asks as the smoke alarms start going off.

Zoomer; Max Mayfield x fem reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now