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Eustace flew overhead to scout out for the crew.

"There it is, my friend," Reepicheep said. "Our battle awaits." The dragon started flying the opposite direction. "Eustace, no! Halt! Eustace, stop! Stop!" He fell and managed to hang on and climbed onto Eustace's snout. "I will not accept surrender. A noble warrior does not run from fear. Look at me! Look at me when I'm talking to you!"

Eustace looked up at Reepicheep who stood and continued. "I am a mouse. You, you're a dragon. You've got skin like chain mail, you breathe fire." He climbed back onto Eustace's head and drew his sword. "Come on, let's meet our destiny." Eustace turned and flew towards the island.

Caspian stared at the crew from the second deck. "No matter what happens here, every soul who stands before me has earned their place in the crew of the Dawn Treader. Together we have travelled far, together we have faced adversity, and together, we can do it again. So now is not the time to fall to fierce temptations. Be strong, never give in. Our world, our Narnian lives depend on it. Think of the lost souls we're here to save. Think of Aslan. Think of Narnia." He walked down the steps.

"For Narnia!" a crew member shouted.

"For Narnia!" everyone echoed.

Caspian looked shocked that everyone was cheering and supporting him. Lucy and Esther joined in the cheer while Edmund smiled at Caspian.

The Dawn Treader sailed through the centre of Dark Island. They saw nothing but black clouds and green mist.

Esther slowly made her way towards Edmund and he took her hand before saying, "It'll be all right, Esther."

A man began yelling and Edmund grabbed his torch.

"Keep away! Keep away!" the man yelled.

"Who's there?!" Edmund cried.

"We do not fear you!" Esther added, hoping her voice showed no sign of fear.

"Nor I you!" the man answered.

Edmund shifted the light slightly to a large rock to reveal an old man. He had a dirty overgrown beard and flinched at the light. "Keep away!"

"We will not leave," Caspian returned.

"You will not defeat me!" the man cried, raising his sword.

"Caspian!" Esther called as her eyes widened. "His sword!"

Caspian ran down the stairs. "Lord Rhoop!"

"You do not own me!" Lord Rhoop yelled.

"Stand down!" Caspian ordered his crew. "Let's get him onboard, quickly."

The crew grabbed rope and Eustace swept down and grabbed the lord and dropped him on the deck. Lord Rhoop swished his sword at anyone who tried to come close. "Off me demons!"

Esther slowly walked over to the lord. "My Lord, we do not wish to harm you. We're here to help."

He calmed a moment before hitting Esther with the sword, slicing the skin. "You're not here to help!"

Caspian pulled the Faithful Queen back as he said, "No, my lord, we are not here to hurt you. I am your king, Caspian. The one you injured is Clara, your queen."

Lord Rhoop slowly reached a hand to Caspian's face. "My lord. You should not have come." He stood up. "There's no way out of here. Quickly! Turn this ship about before it's too late!"

"We've got the sword. Let's go," Edmund said. "Esther, let me see your arm."

Esther showed him her arm and as he bandaged it up, he said, "That's all I can do for now. Thankfully it's a small scratch and not anything worse."

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