She'll be the death of me

Start from the beginning

i was about to change the subject and start talking to my friends about my theories on the new spider-man movie when i felt hands touching my shoulder "hey Tzuyu" i look up and see sumni the head of our fashion club we have here at Seoul high. "uh hey sumni" anxiety started to creep inside my mind, i'm not used to pretty girls talking to me. "mind if i sit?" "sure thing" jihyo said while discreetly kicking me underneath the table bringing me back into reality. "so i'm having trouble with my computer and heard you're a total tech wiz, mind taking a look? we can meet up after school or you can just see it now, i brought it with me i don't wanna be a bother though" she said holding her hands up.

I always thought Sunmi was insanely pretty with her cool style and dark hair and she's never been mean to me or treated me like a geek which always was nice. "Sure I'll take a look right now it's no bother" setting her laptop on our lunch table and opening it up I went to work and examined every little bug, after a couple of minutes I resolved her problem and rebooted everything. Feeling accomplished I stood up from my seat and leaned against the table "Tzuyu! you're amazing thank you
so much!" she looked up at me with the brightest smile and not gonna lie I would've totally fallen in love if a certain cheerleader didn't already own my heart. "Totally it's no big deal and if you click this it'll just open up the same folder you had saved"she jumped up and gave me a tight hug "thank you thank you thank you" I suddenly felt someone staring while Sunmi and I said our goodbye, turning toward the direction I felt the sharp stare
come from, I locked eyes with caramel orbs. Sana just stared with a look of annoyance and turned once our eyes met, did I do something wrong?

The day passed and I was headed towards the
football field where Sana told me to meet her,
feeling the hot sun hit me would've been fine if I wasn't wearing all black. I tried to do my best in the fashion department now that I got a makeover,feeling comfortable and confident in sort of a badass style mixed with a swagged out street style. Plopping down on the bleachers and plugging my earphones in I blasted the 1975 while I waited for Sana. "Hey Tzuyu, wanna take a hit?" taehyung from
my English class asked me holding up a cigarette. I always thought about the way people looked while smoking and honestly thought they looked sort of cool but refrained from ever trying it out since I knew all the health issues that would follow. One hit wouldn't hurt though right?

I grab the bud and pulled it up to my lips puffing air. Hmm not bad, taking another hit nice and slow and breathing out felt sort of relaxing and exciting at the same time. I've always been a good girl so this sort of felt thrilling, "Here take a pack I have another at home, I see you're enjoying it savor it though I don't want you getting addicted alright goodie two shoes" Taehyung said while nudging my shoulder and placing a pack of Marlboro's in my hand. With that he turned and left, Taehyung always been a good classmate even though he's super tough and only softens up to jungkook, another football player from our school, he's always looked out for me and my friends, After he accidentally walked into D&D club instead of detention he's secretly been one of us nerds.

Eyes closed slowly puffing my cig and leaning back on the bleachers I saw the sun get darker feeling a presence near me. Opening my eyes I see Sana's cute scrunched up nose looking at me with squinted eyes "those smell so nasty" she voiced while waving her hand around. "You don't like it?" I said getting up and putting one foot on the bleacher bellow me leaning against it and looking intently for Sana's reaction. "They're just stinky" god she's cute, I grab the cig huffing in one last cloud and letting it go from the side of my mouth making sure it's not directed towards Sana. Squishing the toxin under my shoe I speak up "So Sana dear what would you like to talk about?" Sana shifted while looking down "um so did you turn in the project this morning?" "Yup! You
should've seen Lavatos face it was like she was holding the Mona Lisa in her hands she loved it!" "Really? That's amazing!" She looked at me with her cute smile shooting arrows into my heart "Hey Tzuyu! Hey Sana!" Nayeon said breathlessly running up the bleachers along with Momo and mina "Oh hey guys" they finally reached us and brushed out their cheer outfit "god running up here just made me
want to faint" Momo said while whipping her hair and swiping her forehead for droplets of sweat Sana giggled " Momo you alright?" Jennie said in concern still giggling because of Momo's over exaggeration "yeah I'm just SO hungry" "me too" nayeon and mina say at the same time "we can all catch some lunch I'll invite since I'm kinda hungry too, i'll tell jeongyeon, chaeyoung, dahyun and jihyo to tag along aswell" I say seeing an opportunity to spend more time with Sana and my friends "Alright that sounds fun!" "YAY!"

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