Chapter 7 - what is going on ???

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At Cappuccino's work place things started to get a bit out of hand. It was around 12:00 PM

The lunch rush

Cappuccino was hurried to give peoples orders as fast as she could, unaware that someone was watching her from afar.

Cappuccino POV:

As I tried to take peoples orders, a few others were yelling to hurry up and serve them their sandwich. This is annoying and frustrating. I just wanna go home and sleep and eat some food while snuggled up in a blanket... "HEY MISS! HURRY UP AND GIVE ME MORE COFFE!" I swear I'm just gonna pour the whole pot of coffee, on this stupid cookie. "Oh of course sir, my bad" I forced a fake smile on my face also I looked over at him. I got the coffee pot quickly and poured him more coffee in his cup and walked away. "Finally! Ya know sweetheart you should be more quicker if ya want your tip" oh shut up, I don't care about that damn tip anyways. As I walked away I heard him yelp all of a sudden. "Damn coffee!" I turned around and saw that he spilled the coffee on himself...dumbass.

But he didn't spill the coffee tho

Timekeeper's POV:

I got bored from being in the darn office, and croissant was to busy with her timecraft. Maybe I should check on past Cappuccino, she's gonna have a bad day after all, I gotta make it better for her.

As I floated over to the sandwich shop, I peaked inside through the window and saw Cappuccino, she looked overworked. I then heard some random random cookie yell "MEY MISS! HURRY UP AND GIVE ME MORE COFFEE!" What the hell does he think he's doing? Doesn't he see that she's busy with other things? I saw her hurry over to that stupid man and served him coffee. "Finally! Ya know sweetheart you should be more quicker if ya want your tip" Okay that's it, I had enough of this cookie, I wish I could just turn him back into sugar and flour right now so he's stop bothering, coffee bean.

Meh I'll just spill his damn coffee on him. Time stopped for a while as I knocked over this coffee filled cup "Boop" and resumed time again. "Damn coffee!" I chuckled to myself and began watching over Cappuccino again.

Cappuccino's POV:

A few hours have passed by and the lunch rush has calmed down. "Cappuccino you can have the day off now, you look really overworked." Sandwich cookie said. "OH THANK GOODNESS, bye sandwich cookie I'll see you tomorrow.." I said tiredly and walked out, Finally time to go home. As I walked as walking home I tripped a few time by accident luckily I didn't fall to the ground, wait- "AHH-" I fell into a puddle. Great. Just my day. :) I got back up and walked to the front of the door to my house and opened it.

"Snowball! I'm home!" I was about walk but then I remembered- right, my house is a told fucking mess, papers here and there, books scattered all over the place. Just like Espresso? Yup. I sigh and put my work hat done of the table. As I walked to the kitchen and stubbed my toe on the corner of the table. "WHY-" I heard something fall and shatter, I immediately looked at the ground and saw the broken picture frame of me and my brother when we were young. "NO!" I saw on my knees and pick up the photo carefully. "No no no no no...."  I started to tear up and held the picture close. "I'll just get another frame, at least the photo is alright..." I wiped the tear out of my eyes and get up to get the broom and pan. I started to sweep up the broken glass and threw it away, as well with the frame.

I put the photo on the table in my room. "Can't this day end already?" I took a quick bath and changed into something more comfortable. "I wish I had someone that looked after a lover / my other friends'd be nice to have someone comfort me...." I yawn and threw my self onto my bed and immediately fell asleep.

"Don't fret my lovely pastry, I'll make everything better for you, love" a mystery voice said right before planting a little kiss onto Cappuccino's cheek.

I felt someone kiss me on the cheek was nice and comforting.. I felt upset when I felt there soft warm lips leave my cheek.. "don't go..." I said in a tired soft tone sense I woke up a bit, my vision was a bit blurry but I did see their shirt sleeve and tugged on it lightly.

Back to Timekeeper's POV: (again)

I floated over to Cappuccino and smiled softly, she tired herself cute, I then lean close to her sleeping form and plant a light kiss on her cheek. "Don't fret my lovely pastry, I'll make everything better for you, love" I said but right before I was about to leave I felt a light tug on my sleeve and heard a soft "don't go..." my heart skipped a beat when she said that...I felt my cheeks heat up and I chuckled softly. "No no dear, go back to sleep" "But what if I don't want to?" Stubborn as ever I see? Even your past self has always been stubborn. "How about a little deal ay? I go and do some business and I'll come back here and keep you company, now how does that sound?" She nodded her head tiredly and lays back down. "Just hurry back up okay hun..." she yawns and snuggled close to her pillow, lucky pillow. I went back down to her living room and started cleaning up her mess of books and papers.

As finished up with the last few books, I took out the photo she had on her table and a new picture frame, there we go. I placed to photo in the frame and placed somewhere safe where it wouldn't fall and shatter. I cleaned up the place a bit more and even cleaned the clothes she got dirty when she fell in that puddle. "There we go, now back to her" I teleported back into her room and floated over to her again. "Yay...your back.." she said tiredly. "Yup now shhhh, it's time for you to sleep, dear" I kissed her forehead and sat beside her on the edge of the bed, she scooted close to me and lays her head on my lap. I felt my face heat up again from what she had done, I gently stroke her hair and made sure she was as comfortable as possible. "Night hun.." she said and falls asleep again.. "Good night my lovely pastry.." I placed a pillow where I was carefully and floated out of her room. Hopefully she'll think it was a dream.

The next day

Cappuccino's POV: (I swear this is the last one)

I started to wake slowly and saw myself clinging onto one of my pillows, okay?? I then remembered my weird dream from last night, the lady..what did she look like again? I felt my face go red as I remembered what did, laying on her lap was nice tho...she was so nice and sweet to me....taking care of me as STOP- get away from me gay thoughts! >//////<  I slapped my face lightly and get up. As I walked down stairs I noticed my work clothes are clean??? Weird. I looked around my living room and saw it clean as well, even the broken picture frame was replaced with a new one. Okay what is happening?? I sigh and laid down on the couch

"Your welcome, dear ~"

I immediately sit up and looked around, okay I really need to sleep more, or else I'm gonna go crazy. I laid back down on my couch, maybe I'll just tell sandwich cookie I'm taking a sick day to get more I was about to sleep I felt a blanket cover me, maybe it was just snowball, meh I don't care I just wanna sleep...

🥐🔧🎩 Past Memories  ☕️✨⏱जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें