Liz opened her mouth but then found it wiser to keep shut, for the sake of her child. So without further ado, the three exchanged goodbyes before Liz escorted the two outside, where Michael's shiny motorbike was waiting.

"Angel Cyrus? Does she really exist?" Luke asked Michael who was focused on the road. As usual, like the past days, Luke's arms had been tightly wrapped around Michael's waist. Fortunately, Michael had thought, Luke wasn't horny.

Except he gave himself a hand job while Michael was questioned by Luke's lovely mother. Indeed, Michael saw his boyfriend always happen to be hard every day Michael had spent with him which were only two days.

"Of course Angel exists. In fact, I think I'm about to visit her." Michael shrugged as an answer to Luke's question.

"Why that?" Luke carried on.

"Because we need her to give your mother a legit, realistic story on how we met. Basically, you are doomed to meet her. To get to know her better and such."

"You make it seem as if she was bad. Is there something I need to know about her?"

"She's, um, like the girl version of me, just more... Extreme."

And with a little more extreme, of course Michael had meant waymoreextreme, also known as cheekier, more straight forward and most of all too annoying to handle.

"So she also smells like strawberries?"



You surely don't smell like strawberries, Michael had told himself before he dropped Luke off, in front of the school building.

"I suppose, three pm?" Michael cleared his throat, feeling awkward that many girls were staring at him with dreamy eyes.

"Every day is three, just saying." Luke had shrugged as he adjusted his bag.

Michael would want to drive off without any further word but that seemed rude in his eyes so he had brought himself to peck Luke's cheek, causing some murmurs from girls who had been checking him out earlier. After a quick goodbye he then drove off, leaving Luke blushing red and bombed with many girls asking if his boyfriend coincidentally had a brother who was single and ready to mingle.

Anyway, now Michael was at Angel's who already heard the whole story he had told Liz.

"So what should I do?" Angel asked, twirling a strand of her pastel pink hair around her pointer.

"Just say your both mine and my client's friend. We'll just arrange a date to get to know each other better." Michael sighed, a slight smile appearing on his face once Green Day was on the radio.

"Mike, I also have a client at the moment so it should take a while." Angel exclaimed.

Truth was, besides rent a boyfriend there also was rent a girlfriend although with everything Angel did, she was rather a call girl than a fake girlfriend. Her clients were mostly losers who just wanted to lose their virginity or rent Angel for a week before they were sick of her.

But rent a girlfriend had many difference compared to the strict organization rent a boyfriend.

"Then when are you free?" Michael groaned, putting his face in his hands.

"Um, what about Saturday or Sunday?"

"Saturday's cool."

Angel smirked at the guy, already dying to know about his girlfriend.

That was what she thought, a girl.

"So," The pink haired girl started, playing with the hem of her shirt, "What's her name? Is she hot? I need details, Mike!"

And there were the questions he dreaded.

"First things first, his name is Luke. And he always ends up having a boner at least once a day."

Angel widened her brown eyes in surprise. Michael already feared her teasing, how unlucky he was to get assigned to a gay guy but instead...

"You've got yourself a guy?! I want him to be my new best friend. It's proven that homo guys are the best best friends a girl can wish for." Angel mused, her eyes sparkling.

"So I guess you're helping then?" Michael completely ignored the girl's statement, cocking his pierced brow.

"Saturday's a date, Clifford."

Michael gratefully smiled at her and wanted to get up and leave, even though he still had many hours to kill. Angel stopped him though and pushed him back on the couch.

"Not so fast, Mike. You still haven't told me any more details." Angel smirked and continued with a question.

"Did you already fûck him senseless?"

"For the love of God, Angel! We've started two days ago and I'm not planning to have anything to do with his dïck at all!"

"But just imagine, Mike! What about the anal he could give you or the other way around? By the way, Luke's such a name for a sēx god."

"Well, I'm sorry not sorry that I am not like you and sleep with every client I get. And besides, anal is just fucking gross! It's pushing myself into his butthole and who knows if he doesn't clean his butt properly then-"

"Whoa, hold on there! I do not want to hear any more details and that just disgusts me."

"The point is," Michael started, ruffling his dyed, fragile hair, "I signed up on rent a boyfriend and not a call boy. Plus, I'm pretty fine without doing the dirty for six months, I suppose?"

"Really?" Angel choked on air and suddenly started to laugh, finding it to die for.

"I have to admit though, it's true." She agreed then.

"Of course it's true, obviously. I'm always right."

"But you did kiss that Luke, didn't you?"

"Mm." The boy hummed, inspecting his tattoo on the inner side of his arm.

"Seriously? Hallelujah! How was it? Is he a good kisser? How does he taste like?"

In that moment, Michael imagined Liz being as freakishly annoying as Angel was.

"Certainly not a bad kisser." The boy shrugged, "And he tasted like pizza. That was new through."

The reason why Luke's lips faintly carried the taste of pizza was because that was what he had for lunch.

By then he also swore that Angel just fell in love with the gay boy Luke she never met or even saw through a picture.

"Wait, so he's gay, has the name of a fuckboy, his lips taste like pizza- Whoever is best friends with him surely is the lucky winner!"

"Look, I don't even know if he has friends, Angel," Michael confessed in a low voice as he fumbled with his fingers. Angel on the other hand, was now jumping up and down, her pink hair following her actions.

"His name is Luke and totally hot according to your description, of course he has friends!" The girl snorted in a matter of fact way, seconds later an idea popping in her mind."Let's do a double date! What if his best friend is also hot, probably not as attractive as Luke but-"

"But what if he's a 'she'?" The boy cocked a brow but her but Angel already saw that coming.

"Either she's that hot that I'll turn lesbian for her or she has a hot brother. Look, it's a win-win chance here! You get me in the boat and you'll get to know Luke's friend in case that Liz woman tries to question you about his son. From what I've heard from her, she's very cheeky, so-"

"Okay I get it!" Michael abruptly cut his friend of with a major hand gesture. "Fine, I'll ask him to bring a friend to." The pale boy said, not looking all too enthusiastically on it.

There were so many things that could go wrong, he had though. Maybe that friend was taken and Angel would probably do everything to mess with the relationship. It was Angel he was talking about. Just then Michael wondered why he went to Angel in first place again.

But either way, he still agreed to the horribly wrong plan.

Rent A Boyfriend :: Mukeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें